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НУРОФЕН® for children

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Producer: Reckitt Benckiser healthcare international Ltd. Great Britain

Code of automatic telephone exchange: M01AE01

Release form: Firm dosage forms. Suppositories rectal.

Indications to use: Flu. Headache. Dentagra. Migraine. Neuralgia. Sprains.

General characteristics. Structure:

One suppository contains active agent - 60 mg of an ibuprofen
and excipients: solid fat 1 (Vitepsol of N 15), solid fat 2 (Vitepsol W45).

Pharmacological properties:

Has anesthetic, antiinflammatory and febrifugal effect. The mechanism of action of an ibuprofen is caused by braking of biosynthesis of prostaglandins – mediators of pain and an inflammation. Effect of drug continues to 8 h.

 Data on drug Nurofen® pharmacokinetics are not provided for children.

Indications to use:

For children from 3 months of life to 2 years:
— as an antipyretic at the acute respiratory diseases, flu, children's infections, post-inoculative reactions and other infectious and inflammatory diseases which are followed by fervescence;
— as analgeziruyushchy means at a pain syndrome of weak or moderate intensity, including: a headache, a dentagra, migraine, neuralgia, ear pains and in a throat, pain at stretchings.

Route of administration and doses:

Нурофен® for children suppositories are specially developed for children. Drug is used rektalno.
At fever and a pain syndrome the dose of drug depends on age and the body weight of the child. The single dose makes 5-10 mg/kg of 3-4 times/days. The maximum daily dose - 30 mg/kg.
To children at the age of 3-9 months (body weight of 5.5-8 kg) appoint 1 soup. (60 mg) 3 times/days with an interval of 6-8 h, but no more than 180 mg/days.
Children aged from 9 months up to 2 years (body weight of 8-12.5 kg) appoint 1 soup. (60 mg) 4 times/days with an interval of 6 h, no more than 240 mg/days.
At postimmunizatsionny fever to children aged till 1 year appoint 1 soup. (60 mg); to children 1 years also - 1 soup are more senior. (60 mg), if necessary in 6 h it is possible to enter 1 more soup. (60 mg).
Treatment duration: no more than 3 days as an antipyretic, no more than 5 days as analgeziruyushchy means. If fever remains, then consultation of the doctor is necessary.
It is not necessary to exceed the specified drug doses.

Features of use:

The doctor solves a possibility of use of the drug Nurofen® for children individually in the following cases:
— if the child receives other analgeziruyushchy means;
— in the presence of instructions in the anamnesis on a peptic ulcer, gastritis, ulcer colitis, bleedings from a GIT;
— at diseases of a liver or kidneys;
— at Helicobacter pylori identification;
— against the background of therapy by indirect anticoagulants, drugs for decrease in the ABP, GKS, antiagregant, diuretics, lithium drugs, a methotrexate;
— at children with bronchial asthma, a small tortoiseshell.
At emergence of side effects it is necessary to stop use of drug and to see a doctor.

Side effects:

From the alimentary system: seldom - nausea, vomiting, a sensation of discomfort, or pains in epigastriums, laxative effect, emergence of erosive cankers, bleedings is possible.
Allergic reactions: seldom - skin rash, an itch, a small tortoiseshell, an exacerbation of bronchial asthma, a Quincke's disease, anaphylactoid reactions, an acute anaphylaxis, a bronchospasm, fever, a mnogoformny exudative erythema (including Stephens-Johnson's syndrome), a toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's disease).
From a nervous system: seldom - a headache, dizziness, psychomotor excitement, sleeplessness.
From cardiovascular system: seldom - tachycardia, increase in the ABP.
From system · hemopoiesis: seldom - anemia, thrombocytopenia, an agranulocytosis, a leukopenia.
From an urinary system: seldom - a renal failure, cystitis.

Interaction with other medicines:

Simultaneous use of Nurofena® for children with anticoagulants can lead to strengthening of their action.
Нурофен® for children increases concentration of digoxin, Phenytoinum, methotrexate, lithium in a blood plasma at simultaneous use with these drugs.
Use of Nurofena® for children together with diuretics and anti-hypertensive means reduces their efficiency.
Нурофен® for children strengthens side effects of mineralokortikoid and GKS.


the bronchial asthma, a small tortoiseshell, rhinitis provoked by reception of acetylsalicylic acid (salicylates) or other NPVS;
— GIT canker;
— active gastrointestinal bleeding;
— inflammatory disease of intestines;
— the confirmed hypopotassemia;
blood diseases: hypocoagulation, leukopenia, hemophilia;
— renal and/or liver failure;
decrease in hearing;
— hypersensitivity to drug components;
— hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid or other NPVS.


Symptoms: very seldom - abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, a headache, a sonitus, a metabolic acidosis, a coma, an acute renal failure, decrease in the ABP, bradycardia, tachycardia.
Treatment: artificial diuresis

Storage conditions:

Drug should be stored in unavailable to children, the dry place at a temperature not above 25 °C. A period of validity - 2 years.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


Suppositories rectal [for children] 60 mg. On 5 suppositories in the blister from aluminum. The interior of the blister is covered with a polyethylene layer, external - a varnish covering. Two blisters place in a cardboard pack together with the application instruction.

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