Macroleads, linkozamida and streptogramina.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
The drugs suppressing formation of uric acid.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
The selection antagonists of calcium with preferential action on vessels.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Blockers of calcium channels. Digidropirinovy derivatives.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Blockers of calcium channels. Digidropirinovy derivatives.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
The antibiotic combined (penicillin semi-synthetic).
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
The antibiotic combined (penicillin semi-synthetic).
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
The antibiotic combined (penicillin semi-synthetic).
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Beta лактамные antibiotics, penicillin.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Beta лактамные antibiotics, penicillin.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
The means applied at diseases of a liver and biliary tract.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Atenolol compositum Sandoz табл.п.о. 50+12,5 mg
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Antiviral means.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Sekretolitiki and stimulators of motor function of respiratory tracts.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Sekretolitiki and stimulators of motor function of respiratory tracts.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Sekretolitiki and stimulators of motor function of respiratory tracts.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Mucolytic means.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Sekretolitiki and stimulators of motor function of respiratory tracts.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Aminoglycosides in combinations. Other antibiotics in combinations.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Beta adrenoblocker.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Expectorant mucolytic means.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Vasoprotectives. Kapillyarostabiliziruyushchy means.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Vasoprotectives. Kapillyarostabiliziruyushchy means.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Vasoprotectives and proofreaders of microcirculation in combinations.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
The phytodrug improving cerebral and peripheric circulation.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Peroral gipoglikemiziruyushchy means. Sulphonylurea derivatives.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany
Antibiotics. Streptocides.
Sandoz Gmbh (Sandoz Gmbh) Germany