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The anhidrosis (Greek hidros — sweat, an — the particle designating denial) — at transfer with Greek means "lack of sweat". This morbid condition is connected with the changes in work of sweat glands leading to considerable reduction of sweating or its total absence. The reasons of an anhidrosis can be inborn and acquired, causing a constant xeroderma or temporary functional reduction of sweating.

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Sweat glands of the person

Anhidrosis reasons:

The inborn anhidrosis is caused by an underdevelopment of sweat glands and is observed, for example, at an angidrotichesky ectodermal dysplasia. The acquired anhidrosis can have the asthenic, atrophic, traumatic, toxic, neurologic and functional nature.

The anhidrosis can arise in a consequence of some diseases of skin. For example, the red heat rash and a heat rash of profunda can lead to failure in work of sweat glands with development of an acute generalized anhidrosis. Local disturbances of sweating arise on sites of the skin affected with a scleroderma, an ichthyosis, a leprosy and other diseases.

Various diseases of a nervous system, damage of peripheral nerves or spinal cord leading to disturbance of an innervation of sweat glands can also be the cause of an anhidrosis.

At avitaminosis, a diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, an addisonovy disease, etc. there is an asthenic anhidrosis. Dehydration, poisoning and intoxication of an organism (toxicosis of pregnant women, preuraemic states, diarrhea, food intoxications, cholera, a radial illness) can cause an acute generalized anhidrosis.

Physiological reduction of sweating can be observed during a heat at the insufficient drinking mode. However in tropical countries reception of insufficient amount of liquid or obstruction of channels of sweat glands dust can lead to emergence of a tropical anhidrosis.

Temporary lack of sweating can be side reaction at reception of medicines, for example, well-cared or ganglioblokator.

Anhidrosis symptoms:

The anhidrosis is shown by lack of sweat and a xeroderma. Because of constant dryness on skin cracks are formed. Skin on such sites is easily injured and can be infected. Accession of inflammatory changes with development of dermatitis is possible. As with then toxic substances are removed from an organism, at disturbances of sweating intoxication phenomena with rises in temperature, vomiting and vasomotor reactions can be observed. Loading on a conclusion of toxins from an organism to lay down on other bodies therefore increase in amount of urine and frustration from digestive organs is possible.

At an acute local anhidrosis sites of skin with normally working sweat glands can produce strenuously as compensatory reaction sweat. For this reason in certain cases patients complain not of a xeroderma, and of the increased perspiration. The acute generalized anhidrosis is characterized by fervescence, hot, red and dry skin, hurried breathing and heartbeat, consciousness opacification. Spasms can be observed.

At it is long the remaining reasons resulting in lack of sweating, there is an atrophy of sweat glands and the disease gets a chronic current.

Diagnosis is carried out by special tests with intradermal introduction of a histamine or reception of the drugs increasing sweating. For identification of sites with the broken sweating on skin of the patient install detectors of moistening and wrap it in a thermoblanket.

Treatment of an anhidrosis:

Treatment consists, first of all, in elimination of the reasons leading to disturbance of normal sweating. Patients should avoid an overheat, and dry sites of skin need to be greased with the moisturizing creams and indifferent ointments. The condition of skin is improved by intramuscular administrations of B12 vitamin, Retinolum reception (vitamin A) and polyvitamins. At an acute generalized anhidrosis the patient needs urgent cooling, moistening of skin and plentiful drink.

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