DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Dermatology The infected intertrigo

The infected intertrigo

see also:


Joining of the infectious agent to an intertrigo.

Symptoms of the Infected intertrigo:

The current of an intertrigo can be complicated by accession of an infection. In these cases the intertrigo is characterized by clear scalloped boundary due to flaking of a corneous layer, bent to peripheral growth, existence around the center spotty, vesicular (in the form of bubbles) or pustular elements, a torpid current. Such infected intertrigo can end with microbic eczema over time.

The reasons for the Infected intertrigo:

Cocci, fungi act as etiological agents.

Treatment of the Infected intertrigo:

For treatment use 1% solution of Clotrimazolum or dekaminovy ointment; finish treatment with imposing of 2-5% of tar pastes and ointments; for healing of a wound surface it is also possible to use ointment "Solkoseril", "Levosil", "Levomikol", "Methyluracil", "Edas 201", "Panthenol", sea-buckthorn oil, is better in aerosols; then the begun to live surface of folds of skin is wiped by 2% with spirit solution of salicylic acid and powder the talc containing 1% of copper sulfate.

Prevention of an intertrigo:

    * daily washing of natural folds of skin with the subsequent their drying by means of a cool current of air of the hair dryer;
    * a toilet of skin and folds after involuntary excrements and urinations;
    * air bathtubs for skin folds: to lie with the hands taken to the parties or top, to take legs aside or to straighten them, to spread the patient on a stomach, to lay between toes or hands small rollers that fingers were moved apart;
    * an exception of processing of folds vaseline, olive, etc. oils as they promotes thinning of skin of folds;
    * use for bed patients pure and dry bed and underwear;
    * fight against an urine incontience;
    * refusal of the drinks and food promoting developing of an allergy;
    * elimination of the reasons of the increased sweating (for example, use of clothes and the bed linen which are not causing sweating);
    * wearing rational clothes and footwear;
    * at an incontience of urine and a calla - use of pampers and their frequent change;
    * frequent hygienic bathtubs.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Infected intertrigo:

  • Препарат Гиоксизон.


    Antibiotic - tetracycline + a glucocorticosteroid.

    Stada Arzneimittel ("STADA Artsnaymittel") Germany

  • Препарат Гиоксизон .


    Low-active corticosteroids in a combination with antibiotics.

    JSC Krasnaya zvezda Ukraine

  • Препарат Гиоксизон.


    Glucocorticosteroid for topical administration + an antibiotic – tetracycline

    JSC Pharmaceutical Factory of St. Petersburg Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья