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Gouty nephropathy


The gouty nephropathy is a damage of kidneys owing to disturbance of purine exchange (accumulation of uric acid). Uric acid has the damaging effect on kidneys and joints. Allocate types of a nephropathy: the acute urate nephropathy (often accompanies oncological diseases) and leads to development of an acute renal failure; urolithiasis (formation of uratny concrements); chronic tubulointerstitsialny nephrite (defeat of tubules and interstitial tissue of kidneys with decrease in their function); immunocomplex glomerulonephritis (defeat of renal balls). The most frequent option of a gouty nephropathy is development of tubulointerstitsialny nephrite.

Symptoms of the Gouty nephropathy:

The most frequent manifestations of a nephropathy are, reduction of amount of urine, urine discoloration, deterioration in overall health. The clinical picture of a nephropathy is followed by a joint syndrome (pain and puffiness in joints of feet, ankle and knee joints). Laboratory in urine of squirrels and erythrocytes, in blood the increased content of uric acid. A characteristic sign of ultrasonography of a picture is adjournment of salts in kidneys and joints. The heavy current of a nephropathy comes to an end formation of a chronic renal failure.

Reasons of the Gouty nephropathy:

Leads the increased formation of uric acid and disturbance of its removal to development of nephrite. Decrease in concentration function of kidneys and disturbance vodno – electrolytic exchange is characterized.

Treatment of the Gouty nephropathy:

The scheme of treatment is selected individually taking into account a form, a stage of a disease, features of an organism of the patient, existence of complications and function of kidneys. Treatment is directed to decrease in synthesis of uric acid, a nefroprotektion, improvement of microcirculation in kidneys and delay of progressing of a nephrosclerosis. At development of a chronic renal failure replacement renal therapy (hemodialysis) is used. Timely begun and correctly picked up therapy promotes reversibility of a nephropathy. Modern treatment includes urikodepressivny therapy and use of methods of efferent therapy (plasma exchange).

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Gouty nephropathy:

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