DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Gynecology Bacterial vaginosis (vagina dysbacteriosis)

Bacterial vaginosis (vagina dysbacteriosis)


The bacterial vaginosis (vulval dysbacteriosis) is diagnosed for 35% of women of reproductive age with gynecologic pathology.

Reasons of the Bacterial vaginosis:

The bacterial vaginosis is considered as a polymicrobial clinical syndrome,  also decrease in acidity of the vulval environment is shown by considerable reduction of quantity or lack of lactobacilli against the background of the sharp growth of opportunistic microorganisms. Development of a disease is closely connected with a condition of normal microflora of a vagina that for 70 - 98% consists of lactobacilli and only for 3 - 5% from other bacteria.
At a bacterial vaginosis there is a sharp restriction of quantity of lactobacilli, increase рН vulval contents from 5,0 to 7,5. The quantity of strains of lactobacilli decreases, there are conditions for mass reproduction гарднерелл, anaerobic bacteria, still more reduces keeping of lactobacilli and stimulates increase in quantity of opportunistic microorganisms. Approximately diagnose for a half of patients also an intestinal dysbiosis.

Symptoms of the Bacterial vaginosis:

The main complaint of patients with a bacterial vaginosis are plentiful allocations with an unpleasant fish smell, a creamy consistence, white or gray color. The itch, burning, unpleasant feelings are possible during sexual intercourse.
Diagnosis is based on existence of three symptoms from following four: liquid homogeneous creamy allocations (sometimes foamy), increase рН vulval allocations more than 4,5, the positive amine test, existence of key cells at direct microscopy of a smear.

Мазок влагалищного секрета при бактериальном вагинозе

Smear of a vulval secret at a bacterial vaginosis

Обильные влагалищные выделения при бактериальном вагинозе

Plentiful vulval allocations at a bacterial vaginosis

Treatment of the Bacterial vaginosis:

System treatment: metronidazole on 400 - 500 mg orally twice a day within 5 - 7 days (drug of the first choice). Topical antibacterial treatment: clindamycin (Dalatsin) on 1 vaginal candle a current of 7-10 days. Recommend the recovery of a normal biocenosis of a vagina, drugs containing bifido-and lactobacilli. After anti-mycotic treatment appoint Vagilak on 1 vaginal candle daily within 10 days. During pregnancy (the II-III trimester) and feedings by a breast appoint drugs only of local action in low doses.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Bacterial vaginosis:

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