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Gastrofilosis (Gastrophilosis; Gasterofilyoz) — the high-quality miosis caused by larvae of a gastric gadfly.

Gastrofilosis reasons:

The activator of this entomosis — a larva of a gastric gadfly of horses of Gastrophillus intestinalis (Gasterophilus intestinalis) (Gastrophilidae family), a large insect of yellowish-brown color, up to 15 mm long. Larvae of gadflies have very simple structure, are worm-shaped, have no extremities and the head. The body of a spindle-shaped form, consists of 13 segments. All have back stigmas located on the 13th segment. Sometimes on the 3rd segment there are couple of small stigmas. Besides, on the front end there are couple of sharp, curved retractors. On all segments, excepting the 12th and 13th, there are ranks of the spinules having diagnostic value.

Возбудитель гастрофилёза (личинка)

Gastrofilosis activator (larva)


The person catches at contact with a horse.

The disease represents a kind of Larva migrans. Larvae of a gastric gadfly migrate in skin epidermis, making per day the course up to 30 cm long.

Larvae for a long time (up to 2-2,5 months) can migrate in malpigiyevy (basal and acanthceous) a skin layer, making per day the course 3-5 cm long (to 30 cm). Migration is followed by a severe itch, and its trace has an appearance of the hemming scratch therefore the disease also has the names "creeping disease", "hair stone".

Treatment: the larva is deleted from the course, having opened the end with its needle or a scalpel.

Occasionally larvae of a gastric gadfly parasitize in a stomach of the person. The infection mechanism in these cases is not installed. The disease is followed by heavy and long gastritises.

In rare instances larvae of Gasterophilus intestinalis cause an ophthalmomyasis at which the irritation of a conjunctiva, feeling of a foreign body, an itch, burning and dacryagogue is observed. Survey of an eye by means of a slit lamp reveal small the larva which is vigorously moving in subconjunctival fabric. The larva is deleted under anesthesia with use of an operative microscope.

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