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Гропринозин формулаGroprinozin – antiviral drug.

Pharmacological action

Groprinozin suppresses growth of viruses, has an immunopromoting effect.

Groprinozin's use well affects immune system, reduces virus loading, increases resistance of an organism to viruses.

There are comments on Groprinozin, his positive influence at herpes - promotes the accelerated development of antibodies, reduces negative displays of an infection, influences remission duration.

Drug reaches the maximum concentration in an hour after internal use.

Release form

Release Groprinozin in tablets.

Indications to Groprinozin's use

Groprinozin according to the instruction appoint for treatment of viral infections: acute respiratory, viral bronchitis, measles, parotitis epidemic, the diseases provoked by herpes, a cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Burra's virus, a papillomny virus for treatment of acute, chronic hepatitis B of virus character.

There are good comments on Groprinozin, its use at treatment of infections of the respiratory, urinogenital systems provoked by intracellular activators.

Application instruction of Groprinozin

Groprinozin is intended only for internal use (better after food). Groprinozin's tablet for children, for convenience of reception it is possible to crush.

For treatment of a SARS appoint the adult two tablets of drug 3-4 р / days. To children the daily dose is calculated proceeding from their weight (50mg/kg) and divided into three-four receptions. To achieve the maximum effect, Groprinozin it is necessary to begin to accept already at emergence of the first symptoms of a disease and not to stop therapy still 1-2dn. after they will disappear.

For treatment of parotitis the dosage is calculated proceeding from the patient's weight – 70mk/kg. Therapy lasts 7-10dn. Administration of drug is divided on 3-4r.

Groprinozin's use at viral bronchitis is carried out according to such scheme: the adult give 2 tab. three р / day, to children – 50mg/kg (in three-four receptions).

Treatment of measles by drug is carried out from such calculation: 100mg/kg the patient's weight – a daily dose which shares on 3-4r.

ГропринозинAt stomatitis aphthous according to Groprinozin's instruction the recommended adult dose – 2 tab. 4 р / days.

At a mononucleosis, a cytomegalovirus appoint Groprinozin proceeding from body weight: 50mg/kg (daily dose).

For treatment of herpes of the 1st type Groprinozin for children appoint from calculation 50mg/kg, for adults – 2 tab. 4 р / days.

For treatment of herpes of the 2nd type appoint two tablets in the period of an aggravation (3 р / days) on an extent 5-6dn, later pass to a maintenance therapy – 1 tab. one р / days for 6 months.

At hepatitis carry out To Groprinozin's use from such calculation: the adult – 2 tab. 3-4 р / days 2-4ned., then give two tablets one р / days (for 6 months).

For treatment of infections of the respiratory, urinogenital systems caused by intracellular activators in Groprinozin's instruction the dose for adults is specified: The 2nd tab. 3-4 р / days on an extent 2-12ned. Groprinozin for children appoint proceeding from weight: 50mg/kg. The course of treatment on average lasts 3 weeks.

In order that the positive immune status was recovered, immunomodulatory property of drug was shown, it should be accepted 3-9ned.

Side effects

Comments on Groprinozin good, he is normally had even at long therapy. Seldom, but there can be nausea, pains in epigastric area, a lock, diarrhea, a loss of appetite, dizziness, rash on skin, an arthralgia, increase in level of transaminases, headaches, sleep disorders.


Groprinozin do not appoint if the intolerance is found by the patient of drug, at a renal failure chronic in a terminal state, during pregnancy, a lactation, at an urolithiasis.

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