Main > First aid> First aid at sprain

First aid at sprain

Sheaves represent bunches of fibers of connecting fabric which problem is clear from their name – they connect among themselves tissues of bones and joints. It is very strong and elastic mechanism, but even it can be damaged in case of application of inadequate force.

Not only sprain, but also their partial or complete separation can result from an injury. Sprain can be cured house means, and here at a gap medical assistance is necessary. But as right after the occurred injury independently it is difficult to define the nature of an injury, it is desirable for victim to address after first-aid treatment to emergency station or traumatologic department of hospital to make a x-ray film.

Reasons and symptoms of sprain

Most often there is sprain of joints of legs – talocrural and knee, on the third place - ligaments of an elbow joint. The injury always occurs during physical activity - run or jumps. One of the most frequent reasons – the sharp movements in "the state which is not warmed" at athletes, quite often is the reason of stretching in an ankle joint inconvenient footwear, especially high and unstable heels at women.

Sprain is characterized by the megalgia coming directly after the injuring movement, weakness of the muscles which are responsible for the movement in this joint, emergence of hypostasis and sometimes formation of a hematoma (hypodermic hemorrhage or, simply speaking, bruise). Extremity pain amplifies at the movement.

First-aid treatment at sprain

The main objective at first-aid treatment is creation of rest for the injured extremity and removal of a pain syndrome.

For this purpose it is necessary to make the following:

  1. To exclude the movements in the injured extremity. It is necessary to make it not to aggravate an injury and also to avoid excessive pain;
  2. To put cold to the place of stretching. It can be a bubble with ice, a water bottle from the refrigerator or any other cold subject. Such measure will help to avoid severe hypostasis and emergence of a hematoma;
  3. To record the injured extremity in the field of damage. Best of all the special elastic roller will be suitable for this purpose. It is possible to make it usual bandage, having fixed it by means of a compression tubular bandage;
  4. To give to the victim anesthetic. For this purpose any analgetic which is released in a drugstore without recipe will approach.

Правила оказания первой помощи при растяжении связок

Фиксация травмированной конечности при растяжении связок

As a rule, died these enough. An indicator that everything was made correctly is reduction of pain.

Further treatment consists in creation of rest for the injured extremity within two days. During this time pain and hypostasis, as a rule, pass. Two days later the movement in an extremity should be recovered, however it is necessary to do it gradually, loading an extremity not at full capacity. Completely all functions are recovered within two-three weeks.

Situations when medical assistance is required

Sprain is not too serious injury and if help was given correctly and recommendations are observed, any effects usually does not come.

However happens so that nevertheless not to do without medical assistance. As a rule, it happens if the victim did not ask for medical care at once and underestimated gravity of an injury, at non-compliance with recommendations or at too early and excessive load of the injured extremity.

So, first aid and house treatment at sprain are not enough if during the first days from the moment of an injury the following is observed:

  1. Body temperature increases;
  2. The injured
  3. extremity pain amplifies, mobility restriction also remains or amplifies;
  4. In addition to pain, other signs of a local inflammation appear: hypostasis, erubescence in the place of damage, local temperature increase;
  5. In two days after an injury of simplification did not come.

In all listed cases it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

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Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.