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Soy paste

Soy paste is a traditional Asian dish which is made of the begun to ferment soybeans.

Structure and features

Консистенция соевой пастыThe sodium glutamate, soy, sugar, cereals and some species of mold mushrooms are a part of soy paste. Usually fill with this paste meat, vegetables, first courses and snack. Color of paste can be dark red or light brown. Its taste, color and aroma depends on a way of preparation of a dish.

Add the rice, flour and sugar and also not only which began to ferment, but also specially processed beans to some types of this paste.

In Japanese cuisine soy paste has a dense consistence, pleasant taste and original aroma. Such paste can be strongly acute and poorly acute with spices. The most acute paste is stored within 6 months and sugar syrup, glucose, wheat flour, and also red hot pepper is its part. Such paste is spice which is added to various dishes.

Less acute soy paste consists of rice flour, beans and spices. It is added to rice dishes, vegetables and meat.

Useful properties of soy paste

Soy paste is a popular dish in Japan, China and Korea. It can be given by a breakfast, a lunch or a dinner, and also to a holiday table.

This paste contains a large amount of vitamins A, D and V, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Medical researches revealed medical effect of soy paste concerning cancer cells, in particular, at cancer therapy of a large intestine. Extract of soy paste reduces the speed of development of cancer cells in lungs. During the researches paste of a fir-tree of a mouse and at them cancer cells were considerably reduced.

In two-year soy paste the anticarcinogenic effect is several times higher, than in recently prepared dish. Also this paste promotes cell regeneration, strengthening of an organism, improvement of complexion and prevents aging.

As a part of soy paste vegetable estrogen which is good prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis contains.

Mushrooms which are a part of this Asian dish contain vitamin D and calcium which strengthen bones, teeth and nails.

The soy paste used as snack improves digestion, neutralizes poisons of mushrooms, vegetables and seafood.

This paste can be a part of the dietary menu and is a component of healthy food as it contains vegetable fats and proteins which are necessary for vegetarians.

Useful substances in soy paste help to eliminate symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, normalize the content of cholesterol in blood, improve a condition of blood vessels.

Preparation of soy paste

Soy paste belongs to dietary dishes, and also possesses the immunoregulating action.

Process of preparation Соевая паста в упаковкеof this paste is divided into several stages. First of all, soy is cooked and fermented, and then add to it salt, mixed with grain plants, chili powder, mushrooms and some sheet vegetables which impact to a dish special relish.

Often soy paste moves to meat, vegetables and rice, and also is the balanced dish which does not cause weight in a stomach and promotes the correct digestion.


Soy can depress endocrine system therefore it is not recommended for the use to children and adults with diseases of a thyroid gland. Soy products are contraindicated to pregnant women and children up to 3 years.

Contraindications to the use of soy paste are the individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions to soy and soy protein.

It is not necessary to use this paste at Alzheimer's disease, serious violations of cerebral circulation, failures in functioning of sex hormones, a serious illness of the alimentary system.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.