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Bladder hyperactivity


People with a hyperactive bladder suffer from frequent strong and sudden desires to an urination as in day, and night time. Such desires can be felt even at a small amount of the liquid which collected in a bladder. Quite often people with a hyperactive bladder do not manage to reach a toilet prior to the beginning of an urination therefore there are uncontrolled effluences of urine called by an incontience.

Hyperactive bladder – quite widespread phenomenon at people of advanced age. Both men, and women can suffer from this problem, but especially often women are subject to it.

The hyperreactive bladder is a type of an urgent incontience of urine. But not each person with a hyperactive bladder, suffers from uncontrolled urinations.

Even in the absence of an incontience the hyperactive bladder causing the necessity of frequent and urgent visits of a water-closet is capable to bring difficulties in a usual vital rhythm, and uncontrolled urinations, even insignificant on the volume of the emitted liquid, even more aggravate a situation.

The hyperactive bladder is capable to cause other problems. Haste at hit in a toilet can lead to falling and a fracture of bones, especially it concerns the women who reached a menopause: at elderly women of a bone become more brittle and thereof – more subject to changes. Both at men, and at women the hyperactive bladder is capable to provoke emergence of problems with a dream, depressions and infections of uric ways.

Many people hesitate to speak about the problems connected with functioning of a bladder and it is vain. Most often professional medical care significantly improves a situation therefore suffering from a hyperactive bladder it is necessary to address surely for consultation the corresponding specialist who will teach how him to control.

Bladder Hyperactivity symptoms:

The main symptoms of a hyperactive bladder are:

    * Urgent need for commission of an urination.
    * Frequent desires to an urination – eight times and more in a day.
    * Visit of a toilet at night – two times and more in a night.
    * The desires to an urination arising after absolutely recent visit of a water-closet.
    * Need to make an urination even at a small amount of the liquid which accumulated in a bladder.
    * The uncontrollable effluence of urine accompanying emergence of a desire to an urination.

People with a hyperactive bladder can have all or some of above-mentioned symptoms.

Bladder Hyperactivity reasons:

The bladder is done hyperactive by too strongly reduced muscle which is pushing out urine out of its limits. Many phenomena can influence this process. The bladder infection, a stress or any other medical problem concern to those. Some problems connected with functioning of a brain, for example, can also lead Parkinson's disease or a stroke to a bladder muscle hyperactivity, but in most cases doctors find it difficult to answer a question that causes this problem.

Some medicines can sometimes influence a hyperactivity of a bladder. To find out what of the drugs accepted by the person, are capable to cause such reaction it is necessary to consult with the doctor. It is not necessary to accept such treatments independently at all not to cause aggravation of the general state of health.

Treatment of the Hyperactivity of a bladder:

The first step in treatment of a hyperactive bladder are house procedures, such as, for example, an urination for accurately established schedule. The doctor can advise the patient to make urinations each two hours during day time of day even if he does not feel need for commission of an urination. Such procedure called by a bladder training is capable to help with recovery of the control lost over it.

Besides, the doctor can advise the patient to carry out the special exercises which received the name of exercise of Kegel for strengthening of the muscles of a pelvic bottom exercising control of an urine flow. These exercises are capable to fix many problems connected with functioning of a bladder. The physiotherapist specializing in special trainings of muscles of a pelvic bottom can help the patient with mastering technology of performance of exercises of Kegel.

There are also other ways of minimization of this problem which are carried out in house conditions:

    * Refuse kofeinsoderzhashchy drinks, such as coffee, tea, sparkling water.
    * If you often rise at night for commission of an urination, do not drink before going to bed. At the same time do not refuse to yourself drink for day, to be healthy, you need water.
    * At visit of a toilet as much as possible exempt the bladder from the liquid which accumulated in it, then having relaxed for couple of seconds, repeat attempt. Practice such way of an urination constantly.
    * If you do not manage to reach a toilet at night, think over how to do it as fast as possible or place a portable toilet near the bed.

If the hyperactivity of a bladder is followed at the patient with uncontrolled urinations, the doctor can appoint the special medicines capable to weaken this problem, but most often resort to such type of treatment only after methods of a training of a bladder and physical exercises were without results tried.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Hyperactivity of a bladder:

  • Препарат Уротол.



    Zentiva (Zentiva) Czech Republic

  • Препарат Ролитен.



    Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Ind. Area (Ranbaksi Laboratoriz Ltd, Indus Erea) India

  • Препарат Ролитен.



    Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Ind. Area (Ranbaksi Laboratoriz Ltd, Indus Erea) India

  • Препарат Везикар®.



    Astellas Pharma Europe B.V. (Astellas of Pharm Yurop B. V.) Netherlands

  • Препарат Спазмед.


    The spasmolysants operating on the uric ways.

    PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s. (Missile defense. MED.TSS, Prague, a.o.) Czech Republic

  • Препарат Детрузитол®.


    The spasmolysants operating on urinary tract.

    Pfizer (Pfayzer) of the USA

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