DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Dermatology Contagious impetigo

Contagious impetigo

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Contagious impetigo — the superficial form of a pyoderma most of which often is found at children in hot wet summer months.

Symptoms of Contagious impetigo:

The infection is characterized by the erythematic spots which are quickly turning into thin-walled bubbles and pustules.

The Vezikulopustulezny stage short, and after a rupture of a bubble is formed the firm, towering over a surface crust reminding medical fig.  After decrustation the becoming wet red basis on which fresh exudate quickly accumulates is bared. Elements extend on the periphery and are cleared in the center, forming annulate plaques with fancy outlines. The infection can extend to other body parts (a face, a neck, hands, legs) from fingers, clothes and towels. As entrance gate for the agent who does not get through intact skin stings of insects, the scabby courses, injuries of skin and the preexisting dermatitis can serve. Regional lymph nodes often increase. Impetigo usually develops at infection with a beta and hemolitic streptococcus of group A, usually saprofitiruyushchy on skin. Superinfection staphylococcus, usually from a nasopharynx can accumulate. Thus, the streptococcus independently or in a combination with staphylococcus is capable to be allocated from impetigo elements. In the subsequent stages of an infection when using usual methods of a bacteriological research allocation so many stafilokokk is possible though at elements there can still be a streptococcus. Idea that staphylococcus sometimes causes impetigo and meets separately at it was disproved by new data.
The streptococcus types colonizing skin and causing impetigo differ from causing a throat infection. Skin strains produce streptolysin, hyaluronidase and Dnkaza In, but credits of ASL-0 and anti-hyaluronidase at an infection are raised slightly, Anti-Dnkaza's caption In raises more often. The number of leukocytes and a leykogramm, and also SOE usually remain within norm.
Standard specificity and virulence of streptococci are connected with the M-protein, and only certain types cause development of a post-streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis. Its frequency after impetigo caused by a streptococcus according to epidemiological data, considerably varies above in regions with endemicity of skin defeat.

Reasons of Contagious impetigo:

The etiological agent - the mixed strepto-staphylococcal flora.

Treatment of Contagious impetigo:

The patient should be treated for the purpose of decrease in incidence and the prevention of distribution among other children. Local actions consist in improvement of hygienic leaving, imposing of compresses with Burov's solution 4 times a day for the purpose of removal of crusts and in use of bactericidal soap. A system antibioticotherapia promotes more bystry recovery. Penicillin serves as choice drug. Intramuscular administration of benzylpenicillin is most effective at inadequate reaction to its use inside. For patients with an allergy to it by an alternative method erythromycin reception serves. Locally operating antibiotics (bacitracin, неоспорин) are less effective concerning this activator. The accompanying staphylococcal infection often is resistant to penicillin, but in most cases it helps to cope with it. This fact is confirmed by the thesis about a secondary role of staphylococcus at contagious impetigo. Early the begun treatment at impetigo caused by nefritogenny strains of a streptococcus does not promote decrease in frequency of development of an acute glomerulonephritis.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Contagious impetigo:

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