Brilliant deprive
- Description
- Brilliant depriving of the reason
- Brilliant depriving symptoms
- Brilliant depriving treatment
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Deprive shining (Xing. granuloma nitidum) - quite rare dermatosis which etiology and a pathogeny are not clear is considered as option red flat depriving, a miliary form of a ring-shaped granuloma, a paratubercular dermatosis or as an independent disease.
Brilliant depriving of the reason:
Brilliant depriving the reasons and a pathogeny up to the end are not established. Most of authors consider that the dermatosis is a peculiar lichenoid fabric reaction to various ekzo-and endogenous irritants.
Brilliant depriving symptoms:
Develops preferential at children, it is clinically shown by the multiple, symmetrically located nodular rashes of 1-2 mm, flat or semi-spherical, with the shining, usually not shelled surface, sometimes with small impressions in the center, colors of normal skin or light pink. Outlines of papules roundish, are more rare - polygonal. Rashes are located densely, sometimes - koltsevidno, is the most frequent on penis skin, however can be and generalized. The atypical psoriasiform, ekzemopodobny, hemorrhagic, vesicular, perforating disease forms are described. Damage of palms and soles, nail plates, a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, a combination to typical manifestations red flat can be observed depriving, merge of rashes in small plaques, positive isomorphic reaction of Kebner.
The disease meets more often at children. Primary element are the isolated flat papules with a diameter of 1-2 mm with the brilliant not shelled surface, with a clear boundary, the having roundish outlines, corporal or light pink coloring or color of normal skin. Most often rash is located in knee and elbow joints, on penis skin. Seldom rash has generalized character and can be localized on mucous membranes. Damage of palms, soles and nails is possible. Subjective feelings usually are absent. The current of a dermatosis can be long.
Histopathology brilliant depriving. The histologic picture is characterized by the perivascular granulomas consisting of epithelial cells, lymphocytes, histiocytes, not numerous colossal cells.

Brilliant deprive
Brilliant depriving treatment:
Recommend fortifying means (vitamins A, With, D, groups B, fish oil, biogenic stimulators, etc.). From outside means apply 1-2% salicylic and sulfur, salicylic and resorcinol pastes and ointments with addition of 0,05% retinoic acid and hormonal creams and ointments. Efficiency of treatment increases at uviolizing. At severe forms appoint small doses of glucocorticosteroids.