The cyst of tooth represents the inflammatory cavity filled with cystous liquid with a cover from a multilayer flat epithelium and connecting fabric which produces liquid and as if "inflates" a cavity from within, promoting its growth. Most often the cyst of tooth is formed on its root, however, places of its localization can include area under a fang or around it. The most widespread of them are the foretooth cyst, a tooth cyst in a Highmore's bosom, a wisdom tooth cyst.
Diameter of a cyst of tooth can fluctuate from 5 mm to several centimeters. Specialists call education less than 5 mm in size a granuloma.
There is a fang cyst when the organism tries to cope with the infection brought to the root canal of tooth. At the same time the infected cells die off, and around a devitalized zone there is a capsule - the dense cover isolating affected cells of fabrics from healthy. In certain cases infectious diseases (for example, antritis) at which pathogenic microflora is brought in a gingiva by a blood flow can become origins of a disease. Also it is possible to carry to the reasons of emergence of a cyst of tooth:
Depending on an origin of a disease distinguish the following types of a cyst of tooth:
Insidiousness of a disease consists in its slow, but inevitable growth in the absence of any symptoms. The attentive person at early stages of a disease can notice only small darkening or shift of tooth.
The cyst of tooth can long not prove, destroying fangs and tissues of a jaw - until reaches the big sizes. When the cavity becomes from 3 cm in size, the first symptoms of a cyst of tooth begin to be shown: a febricula, a headache, a hyperadenosis, temperature increase, tooth cyst pain at a food nadkusyvaniye, swelled.
Later stage of a disease is shown in the form of a tumor of that part of the face on which the tooth cyst is located - it becomes asymmetric, there is a pulling, unpleasant pain. The aggravation leads to emergence of purulent processes in a bone tissue - to a dontogenous periostitis or gumboil.
In the absence of the corresponding treatment the disease will begin to extend also to "neighbors" that, eventually, leads to loss of the infected teeth. If the cyst of tooth hurts, aches, being followed by a headache, do not postpone a visit to the doctor: timely treatment of a cyst of tooth will allow to avoid complications.
In spite of the fact that the initial problem of a disease - to protect an organism from an infection, the started cyst of tooth can lead to the following undesirable effects:
Modern dentists propagandize treatment which is intended to keep tooth with use of the sparing techniques. Depending on a disease stage treatment of a cyst of tooth can be performed in two ways:
At therapeutic treatment the root channel is washed out by medicines and cemented. This method of treatment is applied if the size of a cyst of tooth does not exceed 8 mm.
The surgical way of treatment is followed by either removal of a cyst of tooth, or excision of its covers (resection). Tooth at the same time remains, and the tops of affected roots removed through a section on a gingiva are replaced with artificial materials. After carrying out operation on removal of a cyst of tooth to the patient antibiotics are appointed.
In certain cases treatment of a disease demands removal of a cyst together with tooth. Most often, need for it arises at late stages of a disease or at localization of a cyst on a wisdom tooth.
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