Main > Diseases> Streptoderma


Streptoderma – the group of skin diseases called by streptococci. Pathogenic activity of streptococcal bacteria is followed by emergence on skin of roundish pink spots of irregular shape. The size of the centers of a streptoderma can vary from several millimeters to several centimeters in the diameter. The centers are localized preferential on a back, a face and the lower extremities. A streptoderma children and women most often are ill.Импетиго - разновидность стрептодермии

Forms and kinds of a streptoderma

Allocate the following kinds of a streptoderma: violent impetigo, streptococcal impetigo (contagious impetigo), slit-like impetigo (angular stomatitis, a perleche), of impetigo of nail rollers (турниоль), idle time deprive.

On extent of defeat of epithelial fabrics allocate a deep and superficial form of a streptoderma. The superficial form of a streptoderma is called streptococcal impetigo, and the deep form is called an ordinary ecthyma. At streptococcal impetigo purulent bubbles are very quickly opened, without leaving cosmetic defects.

At an ecthyma deep layers of skin are surprised. At the same time the large ulcer elements covered with a dense cover are formed. After healing of ulcers on skin there are well noticeable hems. At diffusion type of a streptoderma extensive sites of a body surface are surprised. At intertriginozny type of a disease suppurative focuses are localized in skin folds. The disease affects healthy skin or joins the current inflammatory process.

Streptoderma reasons

The streptoderma is transferred from the person to the person. The incubation interval of a disease lasts about a week. The chronic form of a disease can arise in repartitions of ulcers and wounds which do not begin to live during a long span. The risk of development of a streptoderma increases at a varicosity, disturbance of processes of local blood circulation, endocrine disturbances, digestive tract diseases, and also at the long cooling of extremities leading to increase in a sensitization of integuments to staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.

An important role in development of a disease is played by an imbalance in skin metabolism. Chronic forms of a disease often meet against the background of a renal failure, a diabetes mellitus and other chronic pathologies.

Streptoderma symptoms

Subjective feelings at a streptoderma are practically absent. A hyperadenosis and temperature increase to subfebrile – usual symptoms of a streptoderma at children. Some patients show complaints to a xeroderma and an insignificant itch of affected areas.

At slit-like impetigo after opening of purulent bubbles superficial linear cracks are formed. They periodically become covered by crusts of yellow color which quickly enough disappear, again baring cracks on skin. This form of a streptoderma is followed by unpleasant feelings, burning, an itch. Hypersalivation, pain at meal is possible.

At impetigo of nail rollers bubbles are localized on hands, on skin in the field of nail plates. The course of a disease is usually preceded by skin injuries. In process of a streptoderma contents of a bubble change from serous to purulent. After opening of a bubble on skin the ulcer or an erosion covering the nail roller is formed. The general weakness, temperature increase, a hyperadenosis, astenisation can be symptoms of a streptoderma of this look.

The streptococcal intertrigo most often strikes the internal surface of hips, area under mammary glands, buttock and inguinal areas. This disease has tendency to a recurrent or chronic current.

The streptoderma at children is most often shown in the form of simple depriving. This disease quickly extends in children's collectives. Rise in incidence is observed in the spring and in the fall. At simple herpes cheeks, legs, a peroral part of the face usually are surprised. The course of a disease is followed by a severe skin itch. Streptoderma symptoms at children decrease or completely pass after stay in the sun.У детей стрептодермия чаще всего проявляется в виде лишая

Treatment of a streptoderma

For treatment of a streptoderma in addition to local drugs usually appoint fortifying drugs, vitamin therapy, medical ultra-violet radiation of affected areas of skin, and also ultra-violet radiation of blood (UFOK).

For treatment of a streptoderma it is necessary to exclude contacts with water. Synthetic fabrics, warm clothes can promote the increased sweating. It is necessary to wear clothes only from natural fabrics and to observe temperature condition indoors. At this disease it is very important to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet with an exception fat, acute and sweet.

At a streptoderma at children it is necessary to appoint a quarantine for contact persons to ten days.

In the centers of defeat make processing of skin. Pustules and bubbles open with sterile needles at the basis, and then twice a day process affected areas of skin aniline dyes. After that apply a dry aseptic bandage with disinfecting ointments affected areas. Crusts grease with salicylic vaseline. At a long current of a streptoderma the doctor can appoint antibacterial drugs.

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