Main > Drugs> Triamcinolonum


Triamcinolonum – hormonal drug of group of glucocorticosteroids.Формула Триамцинолона

Pharmacological action of Triamcinolonum

Triamcinolonum is used as antiallergic, immunodepressive, anti-inflammatory and glucocorticoid drug. The therapeutic effect of reception of Triamcinolonum is reached due to property of suppression of fabric macrophages, leukocytes, fibroblasts and formation of collagen. Effect of drug is directed to restriction of migration of leukocytes to the area of an inflammation and disturbance of ability of macrophages to phagocytosis. In addition Triamcinolonum stabilizes lizosomalny membranes that involves decrease in concentration of proteolytic enzymes in the inflamed area of an organism.

Trimatsinolon makes the stimulating impact on a gluconeogenesis, increasing activity of the enzymes participating in it. Besides, acts as the catalyst in muscles, a bone tissue, skin, connecting and lymphoid fabrics, fatty tissue.

Release form

Triamcinolonum is issued in the form of tablets weighing 4 mg; 0,1% of ointment and cream weighing 5 or 10 g.

Indications to use of Triamcinolonum

The instruction recommends various forms of drug depending on a specific disease for Triamcinolonum.

  • Pill should be taken in such cases as a pseudorheumatism and rheumatism, collagenoses (including a system lupus erythematosus), the acute allergic reactions, skin diseases caused by an allergy, bronchial asthma in a severe form, hemolitic anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, a multiformny erythema, leukemias and lymphoma;
  • Triamcinolonum in the form of inhalations should be applied at bronchial asthma in an aggravation phase, allergic rhinitis, hormonedependent asthma;
  • Parenteral administration of Triamcinolonum is possible at a pseudorheumatism, diseases of connecting fabric, a dermatosis, a system lupus erythematosus, emphysema or a pneumosclerosis, a lymphosarcoma, lymphatic leukemia, a lymphogranulomatosis, a nephrotic syndrome;
  • External use of Triamcinolonum is recommended at eczemas, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis of various look, and also at other allergic and inflammatory diseases of skin of not microbic etiology as a component of complex therapy.


Triamcinolonum is not recommended to be accepted to the patients subject to the following diseases:

  • acute psychoses in the anamnesis;
  • tuberculosis in an active form;
  • myasthenia;
  • diverticulitis;
  • new growths with metastasises;
  • peptic ulcer of a duodenum and/or stomach;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • Icenco-Cushing syndrome;
  • the postponed fibrinferments and embolisms;
  • osteoporosis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hidden centers of an infection;
  • fungal and viral infections (including herpes);
  • poliomyelitis (except a bulbar entsefalitnoy of a form);
  • arthritis (gonococcal and tubercular);
  • glaucoma;
  • lymphadenitis after BTsZh;
  • skin infections.

Application instruction of Triamcinolonum

According to the instruction to Triamcinolonum, drug should be accepted in the dosages provided below.Триамцинолон в таблетках

  • Inside from 4 to 20 mg of drug a day, reception frequency – 2-3 times are recommended to adults. At approach of improvement of a state the daily dose of Triamcinolonum is reduced to 2 mg which it is necessary to accept each 2-3 days. Afterwards the dose is reduced to supporting: 1 mg a day, then – full cancellation of therapy;
  • at introduction of Triamcinolonum in oil the dosage makes 40 mg once in 4 weeks. Afterwards, being guided by testimonies of the doctor and portability of medicine the patient, the dosage can be increased up to 80 mg of times in 2-4 weeks. Increase in a dose up to 100 mg is in case of need allowed. The drug should be administered deeply in a muscle that will allow to avoid a hypodermic atrophy;
  • Triamcinolonum dosage at intra joint introduction or introduction to area of the center of defeat makes from 10 to 40 mg every week;
  • the dosage at inhalations by drug is calculated proceeding from age of the patient and Triamcinolonum form chosen for the procedure;
  • frequency of use of Triamcinolonum at external use should not exceed three times a day. Treatment duration, as a rule, does not exceed 10 days and is defined individually. In rare instances the course of treatment is prolonged up to 25 days, however over 4 weeks are not recommended to use drug.

Side effects of Triamcinolonum

Before reception of Triamcinolonum it is recommended to study the list of side effects to avoid complications further. In certain cases use of Triamcinolonum is followed:

  • disturbance of a menstrual cycle, redistribution of fatty tissue, increase in level of glucose in blood, oppression of function of adrenal glands, emergence of "a crescent-shaped face". Also there can be striya, eels, a hirsutism;
  • hypostases, disturbance of balance of electrolytes, negative nitrogenous balance, growth inhibition at children;
  • steroid stomach ulcer, acute pancreatitis, GIT erosive cankers;
  • spasms, sleep disorders and mental disturbances, headaches, weakness;
  • myopathy and osteoporosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • thromboembolism;
  • vision disorders, back subkapsulyarny cataract, increase in intraocular pressure;
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases.

Besides, there are specific side effects for each of Triamcinolonum routes of administration:

  • intra joint introduction can entail emergence of morbidity of a joint, irritations in the place of a prick, sterile abscess, a depigmentation, skin atrophy;
  • at inhalations such side effects as sneezing, cough, a headache, dryness of covers of nasal cavities or a mouth, hoarseness of a voice, emergence of a fungal infection like Candida albicans are possible;
  • external use of drug is capable to cause an itch, eczema, irritation of skin, a purpura and steroid eels. Prolonged use of ointment is fraught with development of atrophic changes of skin and secondary infectious signs.

Special instructions

It is necessary to consider that Triamcinolonum is not intended for in/in introductions.

Parenteral use for children whose age makes 6 years and less is not recommended. To children from 6 to 12 years such route of administration of drug has to be appointed in extreme cases.

Storage conditions

Triamcinolonum should be stored in the place protected from light.

Whether you know that:

At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.