Main > Diseases> Arterial hypotension

Arterial hypotension

Short characteristic of a disease

Артериальная гипотензия

Arterial hypotension represents a long state at which systolic (upper) pressure falls lower than 100 mm рт. a column, and diastolic (lower) – there is lower than 60 mm рт. column. In cardiological literature also other figures as the uniform point of view on at what pressure decline at the person arterial hypotension begins to develop – does not exist meet. Doctors only meet in opinion that at this disease the lower arterial pressure is defined as 60 mm. рт. column below.

Today specialists allocate two forms of a disease – primary and secondary. Essential (primary) form is shown or as a chronic disease, or as genetic predisposition. In a case with a secondary form the arterial pressure of the person goes down under the influence of defects and pathologies of cardiovascular system. There is a wish to note that, unlike an idiopathic hypertensia, arterial hypotension does not cause serious complications and effects, but it does not mean at all that it is harmless. Danger of a disease is shown in essential decline in quality of life of the people suffering from increased fatigue, dizzinesses, slackness and headaches. If made you the diagnosis arterial hypotension, treatment will be based or on disposal of unpleasant symptoms of a disease, or on elimination of that disease which led to lowering of arterial pressure. Treat illnesses which influence the blood pressure of the person: peptic ulcer, cirrhosis, anemia, hepatitis and hypertension.

At the beginning of the 20th century generally elderly people suffered from arterial hypotension, but development of technical progress and transition from physical work to cerebration led to the fact that the lowered arterial pressure even more often is found among youth aged from 19 up to 30 years. In the absence of adequate treatment arterial hypotension leads to loss of a tone of vessels and muscles of heart. Process is long, but anyway – unpleasant therefore at the first suspicions of arterial hypotension you should consult with the cardiologist.

Arterial hypotension – symptoms and a clinical picture

The main symptom of a disease is lowering of arterial pressure right after transition of a body from horizontal position in vertical. This process is followed by deterioration in blood supply of a brain and, as a result, dizziness, a sonitus, blackout. Unpleasant feelings not for long – last no more than 2-3 minutes. In certain cases too low arterial pressure leads to faints, an ischemic stroke and injuries (if the patient fell because of a short-term loss of consciousness). Let's notice also that pressure of the person can go down not only because of sharp change of position of a body, but also as a result of the postponed diseases, the use of any strong drugs or after operations.

Other business if at the patient chronic arterial hypotension which symptoms can be shown anywhere and when necessary develops. The chronic form of a disease is characterized by the following signs:

  • weakness;
  • bystry fatigue;
  • nervousness;
  • low working capacity;
  • feeling of fatigue right after night rest;
  • headache;
  • unpleasant feelings in heart;
  • tendency to faints;
  • bad portability of closeness, cold, heat or humidity.

Arterial hypotension – treatment of a disease

Лечение артериальной гипотензии

Regardless of a disease form, treatment has to be complex. It includes normalization of a way of life, a full-fledged dream, rational alternation of work and rest, refusal of addictions and healthy nutrition. Besides, the patient has to play sports, walk regularly in the fresh air and whenever possible take a tonic alternating douche. Also the physiotherapy exercises as exercises normalize arterial pressure are very important, allow to get rid of its sharp differences. From medicamentous means cholinolytics, antioxidants, nootropic drugs, tranquilizers and tserebroprotektor are used. Whenever possible it is necessary to replace them with natural tonic drugs: ginseng, Tincturas Araliae, magnolia vine and eleuterokokk.

At secondary arterial hypotension treatment of a basic disease as short-term elimination of symptoms is not capable to save the person from the main reason of discomfort is necessary.

Finally we will give a number of recommendations which will help you at arterial hypotension:

  • reduce alcohol intake to a minimum;
  • avoid long impact of high and low temperatures on an integument (they cause dilatation of vessels and decrease in the ABP);
  • stop accepting medicines which can lower pressure of the person;
  • try to have a rest not less than 8 hours a day;
  • eat not less than 4 times a day, but reduce amount of food eaten at each reception;
  • if there are no contraindications, increase the number of consumption of table salt;
  • during sleep the head has to be higher than the level of legs approximately on 20-30 cm;
  • in winter season compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements by means of special vitamin complexes;
  • if the lowered arterial pressure is followed by emotional lability, unpleasant feelings in heart and decrease in intellectual working capacity – sign up for courses of medical massage of a cervical and collar zone;
  • consultation of the psychologist is required and it is very desirable to attend psychological trainings and courses of emotional unloading. They increase your resilience to influence of aggressive environmental factors and promote formation of steady mentality.

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