Main > Drugs> Euonymus


Бересклет европейскийEuonymus — the name of the sort of plants combining a set of types. In the European part of Russia the greatest distribution was gained by two of them — an euonymus European and an euonymus warty.

Chemical composition

As medicinal vegetable raw materials use leaves and fruits of an euonymus European, the triacetins (increasing arterial pressure), traces of alkaloids containing cardiac glycoside эвонимин, triglyceride. Bark and roots contain the high-molecular hydrocarbon gutta-percha which is allocated in the form of juice, and afterwards hardening. Fat oil is a part of seeds.

Thanks to the useful properties, the Euonymus warty found application in traditional medicine too. In the medical purposes apply branches, wood, fruits and leaves of a plant. Bark of branches contains carbohydrates, tannins, polyunsaturated fatty acids. In leaves alkaloids, ascorbic acid, flavonoids are found.

Useful properties

The euonymus is used in traditional medicine for preparation of the broths and infusions possessing antiemetic, antiviral, laxative, antiparasitic, cholagogue and spasmolytic action.

Indications to use

The euonymus is used in traditional medicine at such diseases as: migraine, lock, vomiting, hypertension, bronchitis, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, decrease in a potentiality, pediculosis.


Use of an euonymus is contraindicated during pregnancy, at bradycardia, heart failure, defect of the aortal valve and dekompensirovanny coronary insufficiency.

All types of an euonymus belong to noxious plants. The greatest danger is constituted by fruits which are externally quite attractive to the person. At poisonings dispeptic frustration, vomiting, breakdown, spasms are noted.

House drugs from an euonymus

In house conditions from a plant it is possible to prepare the following means:

  • Bark broth. The teaspoon of the crushed raw materials on 400 ml of water undertakes, five minutes are kept in the boiling water then infuses within an hour, and then filtered. The received broth can be used as laxative (a half-glass once a day on an empty stomach) or cardiac (one tablespoon 3 times a day);
  • Spirit tincture of bark. 1 part of raw materials in 10 parts of 70% of alcohol infuses. 3 times a day together with water are applied as the means lowering pressure on 6-8 drops. Treatment duration – 2 weeks;
  • Broth of branches. The tablespoon of the crushed raw materials is filled in with 400 ml of water, boiled within five minutes, infuses within two hours, and then is filtered. Is accepted at migraines and neurosises 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon for 2 weeks;
  • Broth of leaves of an euonymus. The tablespoon of raw materials needs to be filled in with 200 ml of water, to boil within three-four minutes, to insist, filter and accept 2-3 times a day on a tablespoon as diuretic and at ascites;
  • Infusion of leaves. Leaves are crushed, then 5 tablespoons of raw materials infuse two hours in boiled water liter then infusion is filtered. It is used outwardly as insecticide;
  • Infusion of fruits of an euonymus. Half a teaspoon of fruits is filled in with 400 ml of boiled water, infuses and filtered. Is accepted at decrease in a potentiality on a tablespoon 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.