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from 605 rub.

Цедекс – an antibiotic from group of cephalosporins.

Pharmacological action

According to the instruction of Tsedeks Упаковка Цедексcontains active ingredient цефтибутен and treats the 3rd generation of tsefalosporinovy antibiotics for intake. The mechanism of effect of drug bactericidal, is connected with disturbance of synthesis of a cell wall of bacteria. Цедекс effectively affects even the bacteria steady against other cephalosporins. It practically does not collapse their enzymes – penicillinases and tsefalosporinaza. The broad spectrum of activity allows it to influence gram-positive (streptococci) and gram-negative bacteria (hemophilic and intestinal sticks, moraksella, klebsiyella, proteas) perniciously. Concerning anaerobic microorganisms the antibiotic shows weak activity.

Цедекс it is well soaked up at intake, the concomitant use of capsules with food does not influence absorbability of an antibiotic, and absorption of suspension is a little slowed down. Removal in not changed look happens through kidneys. The antibiotic well gets into liquids and body tissues. In cerebrospinal fluid therapeutic level it is not reached.

Release form

Цедекс produce in capsules 400 mg and in the form of powder for preparation of suspension for intake of 36 mg/ml.

Indications to Tsedeks's use

This antibiotic the infections caused by microorganisms, sensitive to it, treat. These are such infectious diseases as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, acute average otitis, acute sinusitis, acute and exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, acute community-acquired pneumonia, the infections of the urinogenital sphere (complicated or uncomplicated). Received positive reviews of Tsedeks as peroral cephalosporin at treatment of intestinal infections at children.


As well as analogs, Tsedeks are not appointed at chronic colitis, allergic reactions to this drug or other tsefalosporinovy antibiotics. Sometimes there are cross allergic reactions to Tsedeks to penicillin. Do not use drug at children 6 months are younger. The antibiotic does not get into breast milk, but recommend to apply it during pregnancy and breastfeeding with care.

Application instruction of Tsedeks

Tsedeks's capsules accept inside irrespective of food. For the adult the dosage is equal to 400 mg/days for 1 reception. In case of community-acquired pneumonia treatment the daily dose is divided into 2 receptions (on 200 mg 2 times a day in 12 hours). At pathology of kidneys reduction of a dose of drug is required in case of considerable decrease in clearance of creatinine.

The children's dose of Tsedeks from 6 months to 10 years is calculated on kilogram of body weight and makes 9 mg/kg/days for 1 reception, but it is no more than 400 mg/days. In enteritis cases (an inflammation of an intestinal wall) it is desirable to divide a dose into 2 receptions. Children are more senior than 10 years can accept a daily dose of the adult.

Convenient form Капсулы Цедексfor small children is suspension with cherry taste. It is accepted in 1 hour prior to or after food, having previously intensively stirred up a bottle. To prepare Tsedeksapo's suspension of the instruction, powder in a bottle is dissolved by 25 ml of cool water. Ready suspension is stored in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks.

Antacids worsen Tsedeks's absorption, between their reception and an antibiotic there has to be an interval of 1 o'clock.

Tsedeks's analog is drug of Supraks.

Side effects of Tsedeks

According to Tsedeks sometimes causes displays of an allergy, dyspepsia in the form of nausea, abdominal pains, vomitings, diarrheas, headaches and dizzinesses, changes in biochemical and general blood tests. After drug withdrawal they pass independently.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Цедекс powder for intake for children 180mg/5ml 30 ml

605 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Цедекс time. for сусп. shouted. детск. 36mg/ml фл 30 ml, S.I.F.I S.p.A.

651 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Цедекс капс 400 mg No. 5, Merck Sharp & Dohme

950 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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