Diet for weight loss of legs – the complex combining the balanced food with physical exercises and various procedures.
If you do not know how to lose weight in legs, the diet and complexes of various exercises will be able quickly to help you with the solution of this problem.
The prohibited products at observance of a diet for weight loss of legs are all types of sweets, carbonated drinks and power engineering specialists, tinned juice and sugar as these products contain a large number of calories which can nullify the whole training and day of sitting on a diet.
Instead of above-mentioned drinks it is necessary to drink simple water as it washes away toxins, bears nutrients to cells and provides the wet environment to those body tissues which need it. Doctors recommend to drink 64 ounces of liquid a day that is equated to 1,9 l.
It is also useful to have green tea as it is a source of antioxidants and contains the low number of calories. Green tea contains ten times more polyphenols, than the majority of vegetables, and also helps an organism to protect the cells from free radicals.
The cup of tea or glass of water drunk directly before consumption of food will serve as deceptive maneuver for a stomach as he at the expense of water will be more stout, than is actually at the expense of what the quantity of the consumed food will be smaller, than usually.
It is widely known that people with an excess weight eat food which contains many carbohydrates. The food based on carbohydrate-rich products forces an organism to produce a lot of insulin. An organism, processing insulin, produces glucose (sugar), которыя finally it will be transformed to fat. The low-carbohydrate diet is based on proteinaceous food, soy products, vegetables, fruit and nuts that helps to avoid formation of fat. This diet for legs in a week will help to get rid of excess centimeters in hips, buttocks and legs, and also of several extra kilos.
Thus, an important point is reduction of number of consumption of carbohydrates, however it is impossible to exclude them from a diet as the glucose produced with their help is necessary for normal functioning of an organism completely. Their consumption needs to be reduced by 80% of a usual dose of consumption.
The products resolved within a diet for legs and hips:
The products prohibited within a diet for legs and hips:
The diet low-caloric content for legs in a week allowing to dump excess centimeters means that reduction of daily consumption of calories has to be ranging from 1200 to 1500 kcal a day that will help to dump 1,5-2 kg a week and to gradually reduce the volume of hips, buttocks and legs.
It is also necessary to limit amount of the consumed fats from 35 to 60 grams a day. It means that fats have to make from 20% to 35% of the calories consumed in a day.
Necessary consumption of carbohydrates makes from 170 to 240 grams of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruit that makes from 45% to 65% of the calories consumed in a day.
The amount of the consumed low-fat proteins which are contained in meat, a bird eggs (squirrels) and fish has to be within 55-95 grams that makes from 15% to 25% of the calories consumed in a day. At observance of this diet legs, hips and buttocks grow thin.
Loss of fat on hips can be reached only at a successful combination of a diet to physical exercises and massages. Maintenance of physical shape and healthy nutrition also mean that loss of fat will happen also in other parts of a body.
It is desirable to choose trainings from which at a combination to a diet legs, buttocks and hips grow thin, namely:
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