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Diet on porridges

Recently diets on porridges become more and more popular. First of all, it is explained by considerable advantage of various porridges for health.Особенности питания при диете на кашах

Advantage of grain

Advantages of grain before other products:

• Grain contains all necessary substances for the correct work of our organism;

• Grain contains a huge amount of cellulose which promotes weight loss as connects fats and clears digestive tract;

• Grain contains a lot of necessary to an organism of microelements, irreplaceable amino acids and vitamins (especially, groups B);

• Grain is an environmentally friendly product in which there are no harmful substances, including preservatives;

• It is easy to combine grain with other products, and also they easily are digested that does them by dietary irreplaceable product for children and people of advanced age. Also for these reasons of porridge it is possible to eat on a diet seriously ill.

• It is easy to prepare grain dishes, they rather available and inexpensive.

Porridges which are not processed are useful to weight loss. For this reason it is possible to use for grain preparation: pearl barley, buckwheat, porridge or lentil. Are not useful to weight loss of porridge on semolina and white rice.

Options of diets on porridges

On the basis of porridges several diets on porridges for weight loss are created. These diets are balanced, are easily transferred by an organism, are effective and available. Often duration of diets on porridges makes from one to two weeks. At the same time in a week it is possible to lose from three to five kilograms of excess weight.

The first diet on porridges is expected ten days. During these ten days it is forbidden to use meat, a bird, fish, the products containing sugar, bread and pastries, butter, milk and fermented milk products, chocolate and potato. A menu basis – any grain, except semolina. It is necessary to cook porridges without oil and salt, it is possible to combine them with fruit, mushrooms and low-calorie vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes and others). If your purpose – weight loss, then nuts, vegetable oil and honey are prohibited if you just intend to clear an organism, can use them. It is useful to drink a large amount of water, it is possible to eat food so many once a day how many want, even before going to bed.

According to responses, the diet on porridges for weight loss lasting ten days is transferred easily. For the second or third day in a body ease is felt, and by the end of a diet of five kilograms as well as did not happen. Thanks to lack of fats and proteins, and also abundance of cellulose all organism is refreshed.

Lately there was very popular a diet of 6 porridges. Menu of a diet of 6 porridges:

1 day – porridge.

For all day it is necessary to eat three or four platefuls of porridge. It can be welded both on milk, and on water without use of salt and sugar. Besides, for all day it is possible to have black or green tea and mineral water.Овсяная каша - первый день диеты 6 каш

2 day – buckwheat cereal.

For the whole day three plates of the buckwheat cooked on water to which, at will, it is possible to add some salt a little are eaten. Black or green tea, low-fat milk drinks and mineral water is allowed.

3 day – rice.

Rees prepares on water or milk, in day it is necessary to eat three platefuls of this porridge. At will it is possible to salt porridge a little. One cup of unsweetened coffee, green or black tea and mineral water is allowed.

4 day – lentil porridge.

For the whole day it is necessary to eat three platefuls of the lentil prepared on water and, at will, a little added some salt. Tea and low-fat milk is allowed. If you love more pea porridge, it is possible instead of lentil to use it: also to eat three platefuls, at desire to salt. It is possible to drink only mineral water.

5 day – a semolina.

Dose for one one or three days platefuls. It is possible to prepare a semolina both on water, and on milk. It is allowed to drink mineral water and teas. In the fifth day it is possible to drink one glass of favourite juice from fruit.

6 day – millet cereal.

Dose for one one or three days platefuls. It is possible to make porridge both on water, and on milk. At will it is possible to add fructose or to salt. Low-fat milk and water is allowed to drink.

According to responses, the diet on porridges lasting six days is very easily transferred as different porridges alternate.

To set result from a diet on porridges, it is desirable even to adhere to healthy nutrition on the termination of a diet.

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