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Diet at obesity

Особенности питания на диете при ожиренииObesity – one of the main medical problems which the mankind faced today. Excess body weight is associated with such hardest diseases as the diabetes mellitus deforming an osteoarthrosis, a hypertension, atherosclerosis. Besides, excess weight is cosmetic defect.

Treatment of obesity

For treatment of obesity three types of influences are used: non-drug means, medicines and surgical interventions. Non-drug ways of therapy include training of patients in an individual order or in special groups, expansion of physical activity and a balanced diet. At the same time correction of eating habits has crucial importance. Without diet it is impossible to expect essential effect. Even if the person will also lose weight, then the result will be temporary.

Traditional diet at obesity

Excess weight is first of all excess of fatty tissue. To normalize body weight and to improve a figure it is necessary to keep to a fat-burning diet. Of course, any power supply system limiting receipt of calories is a diet for combustion of fat. Having reduced receipt of energy with food, you will force an organism to spend own stocks (fatty tissue). The diet at obesity from the point of view of the doctor is a balanced diet. The basic principle of such diet is decrease in caloric content of the daily menu by 20-30% that averages deficit of 800-1200 kilocalories a day. Besides, in a diet the share of fats, especially animal origin decreases. It is supposed that the minimum quantity of greasy food in food will help to lose weight quickly and for a long time. At the same time the diet at obesity contains rather large amount of complex carbohydrates, a cellulose. These substances reduce appetite and help to reach satiety without overeating. Низкоуглеводное питание - диета для сжигания жираThe balance of the main food ingredients assumes existence in a daily diet to 60% of carbohydrates, 25% of proteins and 15% of fats. Meal is recommended 4-5 times a day in the small portions. The breakfast has to make about 25% of daily caloric content, a lunch – 35%, a dinner – 20%. Two more meals – the second breakfast and an afternoon snack, have to be each about 10% of daily caloric content of the menu. It is necessary to have supper in 4 hours prior to a dream, up to 20 watch better. The traditional diet at obesity helps to lose weight by 1 kg a week. The general loss of body weight for a course of weight loss makes 7-10 kg, and the diet removes fat, but not muscular tissue. Councils of doctors on the caloric content of food and fractional food often are exigeant for the patient with obesity. To adhere to the balanced medical diet burning fats the patience and will power is required. Results at such food will be not too soon, but your health will not suffer.

Fat-burning diet

In modern understanding the diet burning fats has to be effective and productive in the shortest possible time. Low-calorie diets and starvation for the purpose of decrease in body weight can be recommended only at sharply gross obesity in stationary conditions. For combustion of fat low-carbohydrate food is recognized as a diet. The technique of restriction of carbohydrates in food is based on scientific ideas of a metabolism. Scientists know that carbohydrates in food generally raise sugar of blood and are used as energy. If to exclude them – the organism should pass to other energy source to support the life activity. Such diet removes fat and helps to lose weight in the shortest possible time. Feature of a fat-burning diet is its imbalance. Such food is hard transferred at diseases of kidneys, a liver, hearts. Is not necessary it is long to limit carbohydrates in food. Plus of a fat-burning diet it is possible to call its effect suppressing appetite.

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