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Diet at gout

Диета при подагре должна состоять из вегетарианских блюд и кисломолочных продуктовThe diet at gout is the important method of treatment allowing to eliminate the main symptoms of a disease and to make the remission periods rather long.

Features of a diet at gout

It is necessary to adhere to a diet at gout for prevention of progressing of a disease and aggravations which seriously worsen a condition of patients. The diet No. 6 is directed to normalization of exchange of purines and preventing to formation of salt deposits.

At observance of a diet uric acid is formed in smaller quantity and does not alkalize urine. It is necessary to make the correct diet and to regularly eat food, but without overeating or sharp weight reduction.

At a diet uric acid does not cause formation of stones and is removed from an organism quickly enough.

During a diet at gout it is necessary to drink daily a large amount of water, and also broths of a dogrose, compotes, green tea and fruit drinks.

The use of meat products, farinaceous food, fish, mushroom broths, offal, sauces and fat dishes needs to be limited, and also in a small amount it is necessary to use cheese and cheese products, a fig, cocoa, grapes, coffee and chocolate.

At gout the diet and treatment are closely interconnected as without the correct diet there will be no essential results of medical therapy. It is necessary to exclude from a diet completely fish canned food, caviar, bean cultures, spices and alcoholic beverages.

The daily diet has to consist of fractional meals with small portions (3-4 times a day). The regular food consisting of easy dietary products will allow to eliminate emergence of the exacerbations of gout connected with sharp increase in concentration of purine acid in blood.

The correct diet at gout will allow to lose gradually weight on 3-5 kg, but at the same time to receive amount of liquid, sufficient for an organism, and to bring out of it harmful urates.

The dietary menu and recipes at gout

At gout the diet and treatment have to be based on the vegetarian diet consisting of vegetables, fruit and the fermented milk fat-free products. Recommend to include boiled meat of a rabbit, chicken and a turkey, seafood, cottage cheese and pasta in structure of a diet.

The daily menu has to consist of various vegetables, including cabbage, carrots, potatoes, vegetable marrows and cucumbers. The asparagus, greens, a garden radish and sweet pepper need to be used in a small amount.

The diet at gout provides restriction or full refusal of the salt use, and also hot dishes and seasonings. From sweet products it is possible to use sometimes a fruit candy, a zephyr and fruit jelly.

To the use fruit and nuts, including pears, apricots, almonds, oranges, plums and apples are the most preferable.

At treatment of gout it is necessary to adhere to useful recipes to which it is possible to carry fruit drinks from cowberry, cranberry mousses, cucumber juice, wheat bran with nuts. Nutritionists allow to use rye bread, olive oil and kefir.

During a diet at gout it is necessary to spend regular fasting days, there are vegetable salads, low-fat cottage cheese, fruit desserts, and also to drink various fruit juice and compotes.

Во время диеты при подагре можно включать рыбные и молочные дниBetween fasting days it is possible to adhere to milk and fish days. In fish day it is necessary to eat boiled fish, fish soup, fish cutlets and meatballs, and in milk day it is necessary to use kefir, skim milk, cottage cheese and yogurts.

At gout the dishes steamed and baked in an oven as they do not cause purine aggravations are preferable.

For achievement of high medical effect nutritionists recommend regular physical exercises, walks, swimming and massage.

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