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Diskus compositum

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 1355 rub.

Дискус композитум

Diskus a compositum is the homeopathic remedy used for treatment of diseases of a musculoskeletal system.

Pharmacological action

Diskus a compositum has antiinflammatory, the anesthetics calming, regenerating metabolic, spasmolytic and disintoxication properties.

The substances of a natural, animal and mineral origin which are a part Diskus of a compositum cause the effect of drug directed to normalization of functional disturbances, activation of protective functions of an organism, improvement of a metabolism.

Indications to use

The instruction recommends to apply Diskus a compositum at:

  • chronic arthritis (disease of joints);
  • arthroses (defeat of cartilaginous tissue of joints);
  • osteochondrosis (dystrophic disturbances in joint cartilages) a backbone;
  • to gout (the disease of joints caused by adjournment of urates);
  • mialgiya (muscle pain) and neuralgia (pain at defeat of nervous trunks).

Application instruction Diskus of a compositum

Дискус композитум ампулыDiskus a compositum is issued in the form of solution for injections. The recommended drug dose for adults and children is more senior than 6 years – 1 ampoule, 1-3 times a week, if necessary – daily or every other day are usually entered.

According to the instruction, Diskus the compositum should be entered intramusculary, vnutrikozhno or subcutaneously.

To children up to 2 years usually appoint 1/6 - 1/4 part of contents of an ampoule, children are 2-6 years old – the dose is increased twice. Treatment duration – 4-6 weeks.

In certain cases Diskus the compositum, responses confirm, is effective also at oral administration: contents of an ampoule are dissolved in 1 tea or 1 tablespoon of water and drunk, detaining for some time in a mouth.

Side effects

Diskus a compositum responses characterize drug as safe drug from the point of view of negative effects, however emergence of the strengthened hypersalivation, skin rash, an itch is in certain cases possible.

At the listed side reactions it is necessary to reduce a dose or to stop reception Diskus of a compositum.


Diskus a compositum is not appointed in the presence at the patient of hypersensitivity to components of this medicine.

To the nursing and pregnant women the instruction does not prohibit to apply Diskus a compositum, however the doctor in an individual order has to make the decision on expediency of use of drug.

Additional information

Diskus a compositum will be suitable for use within 5 years if to store it in the dark and dry place at the room temperature.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Diskus compositum piece solution 2,2ml 5

1355 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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