Main > Diseases> Glioblastoma


Glioblastoma – Глиобластома – опухоль головного мозгаthe most often meeting and one of the most artful tumors of a brain.

Glioblastoma of a brain: features, etiology, classification, diagnosis.

Insidiousness of a glioblastoma of a brain is that its germination in brain fabric happens promptly. Most often it is localized in a forehead and temples; its dislocation is always located in a brain.

The etiology (reason) of development of a glioblastoma of a brain is authentically not established today. The hypothesis of a negative impact of means of mobile communication in its emergence was not confirmed. At the same time the following risk factors of development of a glioblastoma are noted:

  • men are ill more often than women;
  • most often the disease is characteristic of aged people from 40 to 60 years;
  • regular influence of the ionized radiation or some chemicals (for example, polyvinylchloride).

According to classification of the World Health Organization (WHO) the 4th degree of a zlokachestvennost is appropriated to a glioblastoma.

Distinguish three versions glioblasty:

  • giant-cell,
  • multiformny,
  • to gliosarky.

Apply modern informative and high-precision methods of inspection to confirmation of the diagnosis of a glioblastom of a brain – the magnetic and resonant tomography (MRT) with administration of contrast medium, and also SPEKT and PET of scanning.

At the same time it is noted that in certain cases character of the received image can not correspond to disease severity. The final analysis at diagnosis of a glioblastom is the stereotaxic biopsy of cells of a new growth and their pathoanatomical research.

Glioblastoma symptoms

It is obvious that development of a glioblastoma of a brain is followed by an intensive headache. Patients complain of deterioration in sight, numbness of extremities, drowsiness. Increase in intracranial pressure, dizziness is noted. At a number of patients epileptic seizures are recorded. Relatives of the person from glioblastomy notice a dysmnesia and change of the personality. Tragic element of a situation consists in what before emergence of the first symptoms of a glioblastom grows to the hypertrophied sizes.

Modern approach to treatment of a glioblastoma

Treatment of a glioblastoma consists of three stages:

  • operative measure for the purpose of full removal of a new growth;
  • kombinatsiyaluchevy therapy and drug treatment;
  • chemotherapy for maintenance of effect.

Only full Комбинированное лечение глиобластомыremoval of a glioblastoma allows to provide duration and quality of life of the patient. Difficulty of this stage is caused by lack of clear visible boundary of a glioblastoma of a brain against the background of the inflamed and edematous surrounding fabrics.

In the recent past radical removal was impossible as the risk was extremely high to touch functional zones of a brain during neurosurgical intervention, having caused paralysis, etc. Today apply a contrast agent to full excision of a glioblastoma - 5-aminolevulinic acid. Operation is performed with use of the special microscope having a source of a blue luminescence. Cells of a tumor are visualized - begin to shine that gives the chance to the surgeon to remove it without the rest.

The subsequent combined treatment of a glioblastoma lasts about 1,5 months. Within five days a week throughout all this term the patient receives the dosed radiation, and Temodal receives medicine daily without breaks.

A month later after the termination of radiotheraphy Temodal's reception is resumed. The supporting course consists of 6 stages, each of which lasts 5 days. The interval between stages makes 23 days.

Approximately in 10% of cases the recurrent current of a glioblastoma of a brain is observed. Since 2005, for treatment of such patients successfully use drug Avastin.

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