Main > Food stuffs> Mussels


Mussels are double-wing sea mollusks. Their sink smooth, has in length about 20,0 cm. Outside coloring of a sink of violet, golden-brown or yellowish-green color, and inside it is covered with a nacre layer. Mussels live big colonies on coastal stones and eat plankton. They are very prolific, during spawning each female individual throws out up to 20 million berries. These mollusks with ease transfer changes of temperature and salinity of water. The Pacific mussels live about 30 years, northern – 11 – 12 years, and Black Sea up to 6 years. Quite often find pearls in sinks of mussels.

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Biologists call mussels active filtrates of sea water. They actively pass water through the body, purifying it of various pollution. But, however, as a result of this process in a body of mussels various toxic substances are laid. They do not do to mollusks any harm.

Distribution of mussels

Mussels live in tropical and moderate waters of the World Ocean. In Russia this mollusk get in the Far East and in the Black Sea. In many countries of mussels not only actively get in natural medium of their dwelling, but also part iskustvennno, on special "farms", for example in France, Japan, Belgium. And first "farms" were created in the 13th century by the Dutch seamen.

Properties of mussels and their structure

100,0 grams of mussels contain 3,3 g of carbohydrates, 2,0 g of fat and 11,5 g of protein, i.e. contents in them is more than protein, than in fish or meat. In addition in mussels there are a lot of vitamins of the B, D and E group, and also mineral salts, iron and phosphorus. The advantage of mussels consists also that they in a large number contain the polyunsaturated fatty acids possessing the expressed antioxidant action. High concentration in mussels of zinc exerts beneficial influence on a men's potentiality and for this reason doctors call mussels natural "Viagra". It is proved that mussels strengthens immunity, improves a metabolism. Hematologists note that at some diseases at which increase in coagulability of blood is noted meat of these mollusks has medical effect.

Caloric content of mussels very low. 100,0 g of their meat contain only 77 kcal. Thanks to such low caloric content of a mussel it is possible without fear is to all who watch the weight. In addition this delicious seafood it is possible without fear to include in a diet of the people having obesity, a diabetes mellitus. Low caloric content of mussels in combination with the fact that they contain a large amount of digestible protein does them irreplaceable in dietary food.

In order that the advantage of mussels was as much as possible shown them it is necessary to use at the same time with cereals or vegetables.

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Mussels has ability to liquefy blood therefore it should not be eaten to the people suffering from disturbances of coagulant function of blood. One more property of mussels is their high allergenicity. In this regard this product has to be completely excluded from a diet of the persons having allergic diseases.

Harmful properties of mussels

Upholstered in mussel water as it was already told above, perform the filtering function. In their bodies causative organisms, toxins, poisons can collect. During the life under natural conditions these mollusks accumulate in themselves the poison emitted by protozoa – сакситоксин, possessing neuroparalytic action. These factors can nullify all advantage of mussels. For this reason in the developed countries refuse their production in sea waters and grow up on special "farms". A month before sending mussels to shops they are placed in flowing water. By means of this reception it is possible to clear organisms of mollusks of the harmful substances containing in them almost completely.

Buying mussels, always you remember what harm and advantage of mussels when they are dangerous and when they without fears can be eaten consists in. Never eat fresh-caught mussels since in them the maximum content of toxic substances which to destroy by means of acids or heat treatment is impossible.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.