
Milk, as a rule, is the first food of the person since the birth, and there is the main for several months. With maternal milk the baby receives all vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are necessary to it for the correct development. Milk – a unique product which the person who was above infantile age continues to use.

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Among a huge variety of types of this drink cow's milk enjoys the greatest popularity. However cases when preference is given goat, sheep, cervine and to other types of drink, also not a rarity.

Chemical composition, nutrition value and caloric content of milk

Milk – a product, mineral composition, content of vitamins and a ratio of proteins in which fats and carbohydrates directly depends on what the animal what conditions of its contents and from some other external factors were ate. So, depending on a forage of a cow also fat content of drink, and together with it – the caloric content of milk and its tastes changes. In general, it is considered to be that in 100 g of cow's milk contain:

  • 88 g of water;
  • 3,2 g of proteins;
  • 2,35 g of fats. From them sated – 1,9 g; monosated – 0,8 g; polyunsaturated – 0,2 g;
  • 5,2 g of carbohydrates, including disaccharides and lactose;
  • 28 mkg of Retinolum or vitamin A;
  • 0,04 g of thiamin or B1 vitamin;
  • 0,18 mg of Riboflavinum or B2 vitamin;
  • 0,44 mkg of cobalamine or B12 vitamin;
  • 2 ME vitamins D;
  • 113 mg of calcium;
  • 10 mg of magnesium;
  • 143 mg of potassium.

A small amount of cow's milk also contains sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, and microelements – copper, iodine, iron, selenium, chrome, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, tin, aluminum, strontium.

Milk caloric content – also often changing indicator, but in general this size makes about 60 Kcal on 100 g.

Useful properties of milk

Regrettably, but the advantage of milk many times decreases at its pasteurization and sterilization. However such is a payment for the product cleared of bacteria and harmful impurity. Nevertheless, modern producers aim at that on tables of consumers there was a product not only safe, but also useful.

So, lactose which contains in milk well influences work of a liver, heart and kidneys. It is helped with it by protein the casein containing amino acid methionine.

Thanks to the content of vitamin A in milk this product is useful to children during active growth, and also promotes visual acuity preservation. Content of thiamin in milk positively affects the speed of digestion of sugar.

The calcium so useful to an organism at any age, contains in natural drink in enough in shape which is easily acquired by an organism and is perfectly balanced with phosphorus. At children's age calcium is necessary for formation of bones of a skeleton, and in elderly helps to prevent osteoporosis. It is curious that the content of calcium in cow's milk in the summer below, than during the winter period. Specialists claim that absorbability of calcium increases at its concomitant use with the products containing vitamin D.

The advantage of milk at treatment of catarrhal diseases was estimated by not one generation. Warm, with addition of honey or raspberry jam, and also badger fat, milk is capable to lift up the most fatal case who got sick with cold. The matter is that fight against viral infections demands participation of immunoglobulins – the special elements which are formed of proteinaceous food. Casein – milk protein – not only is a fine basis for formation of immunoglobulins, but also it is better than others is acquired by an organism.

Disposal of sleeplessness and headaches – the next useful properties of milk. High content of triptofanovy and fenilalaninovy acids in this drink has sedative effect on our organism. The recipe is simple: a glass warm, at a possibility of pair milk with addition of honey it is necessary to drink for an hour to a dream. At headaches it is recommended to add crude egg to ware with just boiled drink. Such cocktail taken for a week is capable to save from the most severe headaches.

The advantage of milk at heartburn is known to most of the women expecting the child. This drink reduces acidity and reduces pain at various gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis and ulcers. With guarantee to forget about heartburn for a long time, it is necessary to drink milk slowly, small drinks.

Use of milk in cosmetology began thousands years ago when the famous beauty and the queen of all hearts Cleopatra indulged themselves magnificent milk pans. Nowadays world industry of beauty offers women creams, lotions, gels on the basis of milk proteins which are designed to give youth and beauty.

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Harmful properties of milk

Unfortunately, milk and products on its basis are useful not to everyone. Milk at unlimited consumption does harm quite often.

In most cases negative effects from the use of this food stuff pursue those people who suffer from insufficiency of the enzyme responsible for lactose splitting. Its absence considerably reduces digestion of milk sugar that involves fermentation of drink in intestines, and it, in turn, causes diarrhea. The phenomenon is widespread it is impossible to call – it is peculiar only about 15% of the population of our planet.

Besides, cow's milk belongs to strong allergens. Developing of rash, itch, abdominal distention, nausea or vomiting at its use – the symptoms of an allergy indicating the terminations of reception of this drink the need. However other products on the basis of milk – cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, yogurt – are acquired, as a rule, much better. Unlike cow, harm in the form of an allergy causes goat milk extremely seldom.

For elderly people harm of milk is not less expressed, than advantage. On the one hand, drink fills shortage of calcium, with another, is one of the reasons of development of atherosclerosis.

At tendency to adjournment of calcic salts in vessels milk is also contraindicated.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.