Main > Diseases> Obsession


Obsessions call the notions of compulsion, the ideas or representations which are involuntarily arising through different periods. Fixing on similar installations causes a distress (a long negative stress) in the person.

Как бороться с обсессиями - советы профессионаловObsessions exist in pure form or are combined with kompulsiya which represent persuasive behavior. Sometimes against the background of obessive states phobias, or irrational fears develop.

Reasons of obsessions

The reliable reasons which would explain an origin of the notions of compulsion at the moment do not exist. However there are several hypotheses shedding light on emergence of obsessions:

  • Biological. Includes diseases and anatomic features of the autonomic nervous system and brain;
  • Genetic. In this case obsessions are based on the increased genetic concordance (existence of certain signs at both twins);
  • Psychological. On this hypothesis the notions of compulsion appear at aktsentaution (features) of character or the personality, under the influence of family, sexual or production factors, and also as a result of influence of sociological and cognitive theories (for example, severity in church education).

Obsessions can amplify after a physical disease, flu, childbirth, and also during breastfeeding. Their emergence, as a rule, suddenly, and varies duration from short-term flashes to long chronicities.

Signs and symptoms of obsessions

To get rid of obsessions it is necessary to diagnose correctly and timely similar states. Here only the main symptoms which indicate possible existence at the person of the notions of compulsion and the ideas:

  • Reddening or pallor of integuments;
  • Cold sweat;
  • Bradycardia and tachycardia;
  • Asthma;
  • Frequent dizzinesses;
  • Polyuria;
  • Intestines hyperperistalsis;
  • Unconscious state.

At obsessions not only character, but also the identity of the patient in general changes. Patients become alarming, hypochondriac, indecisive, timid, impressionable, timid, shy, uncertain.

Treatment of obsessions is closely connected with such mental diseases as schizophrenia or psychosis as the obsessivny syndrome often arises together with them. Distinctive features of schizophrenia are suddenness, a lack of motivation and unclear content of the made actions.

How to fight against obsessions

The corresponding treatment which includes etiological (removes the causes injuring the patient) and pathogenetic (effectively influences pathophysiological links) therapy helps to get rid of obsessions.

One of good methods of treatment of obsessions came from cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy. It is that to the person let know what his fears and fears are justified and what are not proved at all. It is the so-called analysis of all persuasive images and thoughts and their differentiation on real and caused by a disease. Over time the patient can get rid of obsessions completely.

Обсессия - как избавиться от навязчивых состоянийFrom other methods of treatment it is possible to note exposition psychotherapy, hypnosis, an autogenic training, and also methods of suggestion and auto-suggestion. Not bad proved also psychoanalysis.

Drug treatment of obsessions includes reception of antidepressants (to tsitalopra, fluoxetine), tranquilizers (diazepam, Phenazepamum) and neuroleptics (кветиапин, рисперидон).

The physical therapy is shown to patients: rubdowns, heat baths, the aired room, cool compresses on the head, an electrophoresis, bathing in sea water, darsonvalization.

At an obsessivny syndrome work therapy, travel, interesting occupations, good rest, and also reception of vitamins and minerals is recommended.

It is possible to fight against obsession, as a rule, having learned to control its manifestations though it is rather difficult, and difficulties in training in control over a state arise both at patients, and at attending physicians.

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