Main > Diseases> Opisthorchosis


Short characteristic of a disease

ОписторхозThe opisthorchosis is infection with helminths of an opistorkhisama at which pancreat ducts, a liver and a gall bladder are surprised.

Quite often the opisthorchosis provokes development of a pancreatic cancer and a liver.

Emergence reasons

Causative agents of an opisthorchosis – a trematode a fluke Siberian and a fluke cat's. Intermediate owners of a parasite – a branchiate mollusk which is found in reservoirs with fresh water, fish of family of cyprinid: carp, чебак, Yelets, rudd, vobla, ide, European small fry, tench, bream, sazan.

The person catches an opisthorchosis, using the crude, badly processed thermally, poorly salted fish in whom there are fluke larvae. Getting into intestines, larvae leave covers, get into a liver, a pancreas, a gall bladder and there breed.

Opisthorchosis symptoms

Symptoms of an opisthorchosis differ depending on duration, intensity of infection of an organism with worms. The opisthorchosis can be acute and chronic.

The acute opisthorchosis can proceed within several days or weeks, to be followed by urticaria, fever, an ache in joints, muscles, pains in right hypochondrium, in the pit of the stomach, increase in a gall bladder, liver can be observed. Such symptoms of an opisthorchosis in an acute stage are also known: vomiting, meteorism, heartburn, nausea, liquid and frequent chair, deterioration in appetite. At inspection of a GIT can be found stomach ulcer, a duodenum, erosive gastroduodenit. In rare instances the acute opisthorchosis is followed by damage of lungs.

The chronic opisthorchosis can proceed 15-25 years and more. The opisthorchosis is shown by symptoms of hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, a gastroduodenit: pains in right hypochondrium, the similar to bilious gripes and passing to the right half breasts, morbidity are observed at a palpation of a gall bladder.

Quite often the opisthorchosis affects a nervous system because of what can arise irritability, headaches, increased fatigue, dizzinesses, sleeplessness. Perspiration, a tremor of fingers on hands, language and is a century also the opisthorchosis symptoms arising because of disturbance of activity of a nervous system.

The chronic opisthorchosis can be followed by allergic reactions: Quincke's edema, urticaria, skin itch, arthralgia.

The acute opisthorchosis is diagnosed for children seldom, and the chronic stage at the age of 1-3 years is shown in the form of lag in physical development, deteriorations in appetite, dyskinesia of bilious ways, a moderate eosinophilia. The opisthorchosis at children of more advanced age is followed by rise in temperature, abdominal pains, rash on skin, frustration of a chair, reddenings of upper respiratory tracts, chronic fatigue.

Diagnosis of a disease

It is difficult to diagnose a disease at an early stage of its development because eggs of worms in Calais and bile can be found, having made the test on an opisthorchosis only in 4-6 weeks after infection. Therefore survey of the patient, identification of characteristic symptoms of an opisthorchosis, and specification of data on the use for the last fishes of family of cyprinid are one or one and a half months of great importance. Carry in addition out the analysis on an opisthorchosis, investigating the patient's blood.

Finally the opisthorchosis is confirmed through one or one and a half months if eggs of parasites are found in Calais or bile.

In a chronic stage apply the parasitological method based on a research of duodenal contents of biliary tract or a calla regarding existence of eggs of opistorkhis in them to definition of an opisthorchosis.

For a research of duodenal contents carry out sounding of biliary tract on the eve of which to provoke active postponement of eggs parasites, it is necessary to accept 1-2g Hloksil. The bile sample taken when sounding for carrying out the analysis on an opisthorchosis is studied under a microscope.

Treatment of an opisthorchosis

Treatment of an opisthorchosis is begun with elimination of allergic reactions – appoint antihistamines (tavegil, Suprastinum or Dimedrol, Calcium chloratum), sedative drugs then begin complex therapy: appoint the protivogelmintny, cholagogue, fermental drugs and means improving motility and a tone of a GIT.

Единственный эффективный препарат для лечения описторхоза - Празиквантел (Билтрицид)The only effective drug for treatment of an opisthorchosis, is the Praziquantel (Biltritsid) for today. Take it in a dosage 40-75mg/days on kilogram of weight for two or three receptions. The opisthorchosis at children is also treated by this drug.

Surely include cholagogue drugs (Holagogum, Hofitol, Allocholum, Cholosasum) in therapy – in order that the Praziquantel collecting in bilious ways together with the paralyzed worms easily left in intestines.

The diet in which the fresh and baked vegetables, fruit, juice natural, porridges on water, vegetable soups, medical prevail is shown to adults, children at an opisthorchosis for the period of treatment. It is necessary to exclude eggs, fancy bread, fat, smoked products from a diet.

Also national treatment of an opisthorchosis practices. Such methods of treatment are not approved by official medicine, but positive reviews about elimination of parasites in house conditions much. It is only necessary to remember, as at use of recipes of national treatment of an opisthorchosis it is necessary to make check analyses and to undergo inspection of bodies of a GIT, gall bladder, liver for identification of possible complications.

It is possible to remove opistorkhis tar which is accepted according to such scheme for 9 days:

  • in the first day drink two drops of tar mixed with one teaspoon of milk or water;
  • in the second day – 4 to. tar;
  • for the third day – 6 to.;
  • for the fourth day – 8 to.;
  • for the fifth day – 10 to.;
  • for the sixth day – 8 to.;
  • for the seventh day – 6 to.;
  • for the eighth day – 4 to.;
  • for the ninth day – 2 to.

Use in national treatment of an opisthorchosis and pumpkin sunflower seeds: one glass of fresh sunflower seeds needs to be tossed via the meat grinder, to add two crude egg yolks, a glass of boiled water, a honey teaspoon, to mix. The prepared mix needs to be eaten instead of a breakfast, on an empty stomach and after that to lie down two hours with a hot-water bottle under the right side. 2 more rubles need to repeat the procedure, at an interval of 10 days.

In three, six months after treatment for control of its efficiency do retest on an opisthorchosis.

Despite full removal of parasites, functionality of a GIT, liver remains broken. Therefore had an opisthorchosis the rehabilitation treatment directed to elimination of the remained pathology is shown.

Prevention of a disease

Prevention of an opisthorchosis consists in observance of rules of a razdelyvaniye and processing of fish: it is necessary to take away for it separate chopping boards and knives, to maintain temperature condition in the course of its preparation.

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