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Plastic surgeon

The plastic surgeon – the specialist of a surgical profile which by means of an operative measure can eliminate defects, deformations of bodies and fabrics, and also effects of age changes and injuries on a body surface.

Пластический хирург — это хирург, специализирующийся на улучшении и коррекции недостатков человеческого тела

Distinguish plastic surgeries with the esthetic purpose and from reconstructive. But in certain cases this side very thin as recovery in itself of the lost body does the person more attractive. On researches of psychologists, to 40% of comments on plastic surgeons the women having a family and leading active lifestyle leave.

History of plastic surgery

Operations on change of outward of the person in this or that look existed, since the period of an extreme antiquity. Already B.C. surgeons cared for beautiful outward of postoperative seams about what entries in papyruses meet. In India the first surgeons corrected a shape of a nose, using skin of cheeks or a forehead.

Long time did not practice in Europe surgical change of outward, till the 17th century single descriptions of such operations meet. In the period of domination of inquisition for attempts to change an appearance of the person doctors suffered persecution and prosecutions.

In Renaissance the plastic surgery was allocated in the separate industry of medicine and acquired the status of "beauty surgery". The founder she is considered Gaspar Tallacozzi from Italy. At the time of wide circulation of severe forms of syphilis he developed a technique of recovery of a nose.

The modern plastic surgery began to develop in the 19th century when special instruments and techniques of operations were thought up and developed. Besides emergence of antiseptic agents gave more broad lands for skin transplantation, cartilages and other fabrics.

Snowballing of this industry began after World War I when there was a great number of the mutilated people who needed not only recovery of the lost functions of the damaged parts of a body, but also outward improvement. During this period many new effective techniques including maxillofacial surgery are developed.

After World War II ways of a local anesthesia were improved that performed plastic surgeries safer and available.

The present stage of development of plastic surgery differs in a wide choice of the replacing materials and devices, and also a possibility of carrying out operations using the hi-tech equipment.

Esthetic operations which are done by the plastic surgeon

Use services of the plastic surgeon most often with the purpose to improve outward of a body and person, to prolong youth and to keep beauty. Sometimes not one is for this purpose carried out, and several consecutive operations. These operations classify by the field of performance.

The plastic surgeon by means of a scalpel is capable to correct a shape of a nose (rhinoplasty), lips (labioplasty), take in (otoplasty), eyebrows or a chin (mentoplastik), to tighten skin of a forehead, the face (frontlifting) and necks (tservikoplastik). The blepharoplasty – operational tightening – gives a century to the face younger look. At an adiposity in "problem" places (on a stomach, a waist, hips) the plastic surgery thanks to liposuction gives the chance to make a body more harmonious.

The operations allowing to rejuvenate a shape of hands (brakhioplastik), to increase buttocks or to change their form (glyuteoplastik) are developed.

If the woman does not accept outward of her breast (for example, it too small or big, or got out of a shape and drooped), then this problem can be solved in the surgical way too. Operations on change of a form and the size of a female breast are called mammoplastiky.

Patients give good comments on the plastic surgeons owning a hair transplant technique. This way of fight against early baldness solves many psychological problems of the people suffering from an alopecia.

The separate industry of esthetic surgery – plastics of external genitals:

  • Vaginoplasty (colpoplasty);
  • Hymenorrhaphy (hymen plastics);
  • Labioplasty (plastics of vulvar lips);
  • Phalloplasty (phalloplasty).

Reconstructive operations which are done by the plastic surgeon

The operations which are carried out by plastic surgeons with the reconstructive purpose eliminate defects and deformations of bodies and fabrics, to recover their working capacity. The patients who received injuries after injuries, diseases or having inborn pathology need such operations. Reconstructive operations cardinally change quality of human life: improve its socialization and return feeling of completeness of life.

After removal of mammary glands together with a cancer tumor of a mammoplastik using a skin rag or prostheses of mammary glands it allows the woman to be rehabilitated after operation and to avoid many psychological problems.

Reconstructive operations improve outward of people with a labium leporium or a wolf mouth. These plastic surgeries do at children's age.

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