Main > Diseases> Reflux esophagitis

Reflux esophagitis

The reflux esophagitis is a disease of chronic character which consists in pathological throwing in a gullet of gastric contents. As in a mucous membrane there is no protection against such aggressive substances, because of contact with them there are epithelial damages with a further inflammation and, respectively, painful feelings.Рефлюкс-эзофагит - заброс желудочного содержимого в пищевод

Reasons reflux esophagitis

The reflux esophagitis is the main reason disturbance in work or decrease in a tone of muscles of an esophageal sphincter. Because of it it constantly remains in whole or in part abroach that allows gastric contents freely to get to it. This disturbance can arise because of nervous overloads, the increased belly pressure or food and chemical factors.

The reflux esophagitis is the second reason hernia in a food opening of a diaphragm. Through this expansion (hernia) during supertension in an abdominal cavity (for example, at heavy lifting) a half of a stomach with its contents are capable to get into a chest cavity.

The reflux esophagitis can also arise because of:

  • Operative measures on a food opening in a diaphragm or near it (at vagisection, a resection of cardial gastric department, esophagogastrostomy, a resection of a stomach, a kastrektomiya);
  • The gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori;
  • Insufficiency of a sphincter during obesity;
  • The medicines capable to lower a tone in the lower esophageal sphincter;
  • Pregnancies;
  • Alcohol intake;
  • Smoking;
  • Sclerodermas;
  • Pylorospasm or piloroduodenalny stenosis;
  • Peptic ulcer of a duodenum and stomach.

Symptoms reflux esophagitis

Symptoms a reflux esophagitis can be shown in a look:

  • Heartburn. Heartburn is the most common symptom a reflux esophagitis (it is observed at 83% of patients). The long contact of acid of a stomach with a mucous membrane in a gullet is the reason of emergence of heartburn. Can strengthen heartburn non-compliance with a diet, inclinations, horizontal provisions, alcohol intake, carbonated drinks and physical tension.
  • The eructation amplifying after meal or carbonated drinks.
  • Vomiting of food which amplifies during exercise stresses.
  • Disturbances during swallowing.
  • Be ill behind a breast or in an anticardium. These pains can arise through short time after meal, amplify during inclinations and in horizontal provisions.
  • Feelings of a lump in a throat during swallowing and pain in a mandible and in an ear. These symptoms a reflux esophagitis arise much less often than above-mentioned symptoms.

Erosive reflux esophagitis

The erosive reflux esophagitis very deeply affects a mucous membrane of a gullet. At this type of an esophagitis ulcers and erosion on a mucous wall of a gullet are formed. The erosive reflux esophagitis has several stages:

  • The first stage is characterized by formation of small single erosion in a lower part;
  • During the second stage the area of defeat gradually increases up to one third of a gullet;
  • The third stage is characterized by formation in a gullet of a chronic ulcer.

Be aggravated situation at erosive the reflux esophagitis can because of the use of products with a hyperoxemia (citrus, lactic products and acid juice), caffeine, smoking, alcohol and some medicines (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, paracetamol, analginum).

If long time not to treat an erosive reflux esophagitis, it is possible to receive serious complications: bleedings (vomiting scarlet blood or "a coffee thick"), hems on walls of a mucous membrane because of which the gullet (stenosis) can be narrowed.

Catarral reflux esophagitis

At catarral the reflux esophagitis is surprised an upper layer mucous a gullet. During the endoscopic research it comes to light in the form of hypostasis and a hyperemia of a mucous wall of a gullet.

The catarral reflux esophagitis is characterized by pains on all length of a gullet and in the place of its transition to a stomach, feelings of a sadneniye behind a breast, a dysphagy. These symptoms appear during food or right after meal. Also heartburn, an eructation by air and vomiting can be observed.Диета - обязательная составляющая лечения рефлюкс-эзофагита

Treatment reflux esophagitis

Reflux esophagitis it is necessary to approach treatment in a complex: to accept medicines and to keep to a diet.

At treatment a reflux esophagitis it is necessary:

  • to stop smoking;
  • to normalize body weight;
  • to lift the head end of a bed;
  • not to allow load of prelum abdominale muscles, not to work in the inclined situation, not to wear hard belts or belts;
  • to exclude use of drugs which have property to lower a tone of an esophageal sphincter (antidepressants, progesterone, theophylline, antagonists of calcium, nitrates).

Diet at a reflux esophagitis

The diet at a reflux esophagitis consists in:

  • avoiding of an overeating, it is also necessary to eat food not later, than for three or four hours to a dream;
  • avoiding of the use of products which can reduce a tone of the lower sphincter of a gullet (chocolate, coffee, pepper, garlic, onions);
  • avoiding of very cold or very hot, spicy food;
  • restriction of in products which strengthen gas generation.
Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.