DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Traumatology and orthopedics Disease of Keniga (The cutting osteochondritis)

Disease of Keniga (The cutting osteochondritis)


The cutting osteochondritis – damage of cartilaginous tissue of a joint at which its fragment together with a thin layer of a bone tissue exfoliates and gets in a joint.

Болезнь Кенига (Рассекающий остеохондрит)

Disease of Keniga (The cutting osteochondritis)

Etiologies of Keniga (the cutting osteochondritis):

Such damages arise owing to insufficient blood supply of the fabrics which are on the end of a bone: the cartilage loses elasticity of a hitch with a bone and can exfoliate from it at a joint injury. Often the cartilage exfoliates after the sequence of microdamages. Most often occurs at young people. Children and teenagers aged from 10 up to 20 years enter into risk group, at boys damage meets by 2-3 times more often of girls, athletes - the cutting osteochondritis is shown after sharp movements, jumps, throws therefore at sports the risk increases.

The main localization – a knee joint. Also cutting osteochondritis can arise also in coxofemoral, elbow, humeral joints.

If the departed fragment is not deformed and steadily is in its normal situation, symptoms can are not shown and fabric can be recovered without additional treatment. If the fragment is deformed, it is removed surgically, at big damage artificial recovery of cartilaginous tissue can be required.

Symptoms of a disease of Keniga (the cutting osteochondritis):

- Pain – the most widespread manifestation. Arises at exceeding of a certain intensity of an exercise stress (at a raising on a ladder, sports activities).
- Clicks in a joint and its blocking – arise when the departed fragment drops out in a joint and obstructs its traffic.
- Weakening of a joint – arises feeling that a joint insufficiently rigid.
- Limited mobility –  a disease can not allow to straighten a hand or a leg completely.
- A turgidity and a razmyagchennost of skin in a joint.

These signs not necessarily indicate the cutting osteochondritis: other types of damages of cartilaginous tissue are shown similarly, for example, similar symptoms at an osteoarthrosis. At their detection it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.


For clearing of an origin of pain and other symptoms of a disease, the following methods of a research of a joint are appointed:
X-ray. On a x-ray film in the majority a case it is possible to distinguish precisely injuries of a joint, for comparison sometimes do pictures as left and right joints. X-ray is not always enough for diagnosis: more exact methods – KT and MPT terebutsya sometimes.
KT. The computer tomography recreates the three-dimensional image of a joint thanks to processing of x-ray films under different corners. This method allows to find the place and a contour of damage precisely.
MRT. Unlike X-ray, the magnetic and resonant tomography allows to find damages both on firm, and on soft tissues. Such information is necessary for the choice of conservative or operational treatment. Carrying out such inspection is important and it is recommended to insist on it, especially at doubts concerning a therapy method.

Болезнь Кенига на рентгенограмме

Disease of Keniga on the roentgenogram

Treatment of a disease of Keniga (the cutting osteochondritis):

Treatment of the cutting osteochondritis improving food and recovery of a joint cartilage, physical therapy, conservative with purpose of vascular drugs, drugs, but this method is not always effective, it helps only children and teenagers, at adults the main aspect of treatment is surgical intervention (arthrotomy). The joint is opened, then delete a joint mouse.

Recently Russian physicians developed a new way of treatment of a disease of Keniga: arthroscopic carry out a tunelization of an affected area of a bone, then there enter liquid which hardens in an organism and regenerations of bone and cartilaginous tissue promote.

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