Main > Drugs> Bergenia


Бадан лекарственныйBergenia – a herbaceous plant from family of a saxifrage family. A medicinal bergenia call still a bergenia tolstolistny, Mongolian tea, a saxifrage tolstolistny.

Chemical composition

The plant contains glycosides, tannins, sugar, vitamin C, phytoncides, iron, copper, manganese.

Useful properties

In therapy use a root and leaves of a plant. Note such useful properties of a bergenia:

  • Antiinflammatory;
  • Disinfecting;
  • Diuretic;
  • Healing.

Roots prepare at the beginning of summer, dig out them, wash in cold water, dry up, displaying on fabric or paper (big roots of a bergenia can be cut on a part). From kilogram of fresh roots 250 g of dry medicinal raw materials turn out. Correctly dried up root well breaks, does not bend, on a break – light yellow or light pink color. It is possible to store a dry root no more than four years.

Leaves of a medicinal bergenia use less than a root, but their knitting, styptic, antimicrobic action is known. Only old leaves which wintered under snow help. Bring together them in the spring or in the fall, wash, dry in a bag from paper or a box at a temperature of 60 °C. To store the dried-up leaves, as well as a root, no more than four years are possible.

Indications to use

Use of a bergenia is recommended at supertension, an erosion of a neck of uterus, diarrhea, uterine and other bleedings, a fibromyoma, a craw, tuberculosis, rheumatism of joints, pneumonia, gastrointestinal diseases, vomiting, nausea, fat seborrhea.

Outside use of broth from a bergenia medical accelerates a rassasyvaniye of bruises, healing of wounds, bruises, ulcers.


It is impossible to use a bergenia medical at tendency to a thrombogenesis, chronic locks, the increased coagulability of blood.

Prolonged use of a bergenia can cause a lock.

Considering that broth from roots of a plant lowers pressure, it is necessary to keep its level under control. In some cases in addition appoint the grass broths increasing pressure.

In a large number the bergenia cannot be accepted having tachycardia as means on its basis promote heartbeat increase.

House drugs from a bergenia

Broth from a root of a plant is prepared so: take one tablespoon of dry raw materials, fill in 200 ml of hot water, cover and heat on slow fire about 30 min. Later filter, wring out roots. The received broth is diluted with water boiled up to the volume of 200 ml. Drink three times a day on one spoon (dining room). At dysentery it is better to accept means in combination with antibiotics and streptocides.

For rinsing of an oral cavity at chronic inflammations broth is prepared also, but take two tablespoons of a root that it turned out more saturated.

For washing of hair broth of a medicinal bergenia is dissolved by 1:10, two times a week wash the head. For treatment from fat seborrhea it is necessary to carry out not less than 10 procedures.

At a colpitis, erosion of a uterus do trays and syringings with broth. Sedentary bathtubs are effective at hemorrhoids.

Useful properties of a bergenia remain also in liquid extract of a plant which is done more concentrated. Take three tablespoons of a root, fill in 200 ml of the boiling water, boil before reduction of volume twice then still hot extract is filtered and wrung out. It is necessary to accept it till 20-30 drops three times a day within two-three weeks.

From the dried-up leaves of a bergenia make tea which tones up, lowers pressure, increases the frequency of reductions of heart, helps at pulmonary tuberculosis, renal pathologies, GIT diseases, rheumatism, reduces stress.

Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.