Main > Diagnostic methods> Bronkhoskopiya


Проведение бронхоскопииBronkhoskopiya is shorter name of an endoscopic method of assessment of a gleam of a trachea, bronchial tubes and assessment of a mucous membrane – a trakheobronkhoskopiya.

Indications to a bronkhoskopiya

Bronkhoskopiya of lungs is used both for diagnosis, and for treatment.

Recommend to make a bronkhoskopiya for diagnosis at such symptoms:

  • blood traces in a phlegm;
  • the persistent cough which does not have the explicit reasons;
  • suspicion of pulmonary infections;
  • breath process disturbance;
  • pathological changes in result of X-ray inspection – small knots, consolidations, inflammatory processes.

Besides, indications to a bronkhoskopiya are:

  • long experience of smoking for the purpose of routine inspection;
  • chronic bronchitis, obstructive diseases of lungs;
  • tuberculosis;
  • suspicion of lung cancer;
  • lung atelectasis (i.e. a condition of pulmonary fabric when alveoluses lose lightness).

Recommend to make a bronkhoskopiya of lungs in the medical purposes for:

  • removals from respiratory tracts of foreign bodys;
  • removals of the new growth blocking respiratory tracts;
  • installations of a stent in one of respiratory tracts if, for example, it is squeezed by a tumor.

It is necessary to make a bronkhoskopiya that:

  • to remove a benign or malignant tumor, a foreign body, a bronchial secret and a mucous stopper from a bronchial tree;
  • to study features of a tumor;
  • to find out intensity of bleeding, extent of obstruction of a gleam of a bronchial tube, localization and character of a foreign body;
  • by receiving a piece of fabric for a cytologic and microbiological research to obtain additional information for diagnosis of tuberculosis, bronchogenic cancer, a fungal infection, intersticial pneumonia, a parasitic invasion of lungs.



  • the myocardial infarction postponed less than half a year back;
  • intolerance of drugs which use for local anesthesia;
  • disturbance of a cordial rhythm;
  • acute stroke;
  • stenosis of a throat and/or trachea;
  • idiopathic hypertensia;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • cardiovascular or pulmonary heart;
  • pain syndrome in an abdominal cavity;
  • psychological diseases (schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc.);
  • state after a craniocereberal injury;
  • serious condition of the patient in case specification of the diagnosis does not influence treatment any more.

Relative contraindications to a bronkhoskopiya of lungs:

  • period of a menstrual cycle;
  • second half of pregnancy;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • ORZ of upper respiratory tracts;
  • alcoholism;
  • heavy diabetes mellitus;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland (III degree).

As the bronkhoskopiya is carried out

For the period of carrying out a bronkhoskopiya of the patient connect to the monitor in order that the doctor could watch the arterial pressure, oxygen level in an organism and pulse. Do to the inspected person the general anesthesia or intravenously pour in sedative. Through a nose or a mouth enter additional oxygen.

Процедура бронхоскопииOr in a nasal cavity apply lidocaine on a back part of a throat – local anesthetic, then enter брохофиброскоп. The research lasts 20 – 60 minutes, if necessary the doctor writes down the received image, carries out a biopsy or carries out medical manipulations.

Possible complications after a bronkhoskopiya

Each procedure is carried out surely taking into account indications to a bronkhoskopiya and contraindications of each patient therefore complications after it meet quite seldom. However in certain cases can be:

  • damage of phonatory bands;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • irregular pulse;
  • bleeding on site biopsies;
  • insufficient inflow of oxygen to fabrics;
  • lung puncture;
  • the complications connected using anesthetics and sedatives.
Whether you know that:

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