Main > Diseases> Cirrhosis


Cirrhosis is a consequence of a chronic disease of a liver and leads to loss of function of body. The liver affected with a disease dense, is reduced or increased in sizes, rough and hilly.

Пораженная циррозом печень бугристая и шероховатая.Ascites (a liquid delay in an abdominal cavity) is the most frequent complication caused by cirrhosis and is connected with poor quality of life and the increased risk of development of infections. Others potentially life-threatening complications of the person are the confusion of consciousness, a hepatic coma and bleedings caused by a gullet varicosity.

Cirrhosis is irreversible process, its treatment is usually directed to prevention of the complications caused by it. Later stages of cirrhosis demand liver transplantation.

Cirrhosis is one of six diseases in the world because of which patients at the age of 35-60 years die.

Cirrhosis symptoms

Initial stages of a disease (class A) are not followed by symptoms as there are no complications yet. This time is ideal for elimination of an origin of a disease as the liver is the body capable to regeneration of the cells – it allows to keep healthy tissues of a liver and a message normal and a healthy lifestyle.

The main symptoms and symptoms of cirrhosis are:

  • The stomach increased in volume;
  • Changes of consciousness and behavior;
  • Bleeding of gums;
  • Nasal bleedings.

Also symptoms of cirrhosis are:

  • Increased fatigue;
  • Weight loss;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Jaundice;
  • Kcal of light color or decoloured;
  • Urine darkening;
  • Language of crimson color;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Abdominal pains;
  • Puffiness of shins;
  • Vascular teleangiectasias;
  • Skin itch;
  • Bleedings;
  • Frequent bacterial infections;
  • Erythema of palms;
  • Decrease in a libido;
  • The stupid or aching pain in a liver;
  • Gynecomastia at men.

Cirrhosis stages

The course of a disease occurs very slowly therefore in its current allocation of the following stages of cirrhosis is possible:

  • Compensation stage – lack of symptoms, because of the strengthened functioning of a liver;
  • Subcompensation stage – there are first symptoms of a disease which are expressed in weight loss, a loss of appetite, weakness and feeling of discomfort in right hypochondrium as the liver is not able to function at full capacity any more;
  • The decompensation stage – appears jaundice, a syndrome of portal hypertensia and a hepatic coma which pose a threat for human life.

Diagnosis and treatment of cirrhosis

Биопсия - один из способов диагностики цирроза печениDiagnosing of cirrhosis is carried out by the hepatologist or the gastroenterologist who after careful survey of the patient carry out biochemical analysis of blood, ultrasound examination of a liver and abdominal organs, blood test on markers of a viral hepatitis, gastroscopy, a computer tomography, a radio isotope research, and if necessary and a liver biopsy.

After carrying out diagnosis and confirmation of the diagnosis of cirrhosis the treatment stage begins. This disease does not give in to full treatment, it is only possible to brake and slow down it development of complications. Treatment of cirrhosis consists in holding such therapeutic actions as:

  • Reception of diuretic drugs;
  • Purpose of a diet (lack of reception of fried and fat dishes, salt and alcoholic beverages);
  • Reception of glucocorticoid hormones (at autoimmune disorders);
  • Performing antiviral therapy (at a viral hepatitis);
  • Reception of gepatoprotektor.

If at treatment of cirrhosis process of disease escalates, and there are complications, urgent hospitalization is necessary. Also at treatment of cirrhosis such surgical treatment as can be necessary:

  • The shunting operations for creation of new ways for blood;
  • Paracentesis – a puncture of an abdominal wall;
  • Transplantation of a liver.
Whether you know that:

Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.