Main > Reference book of diets> Maya Plisetskaya's diet

Maya Plisetskaya's diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:14 days

3,5 of 5

The low-calorie diet helping to dump on condition of strict observance of strict requirements 8-10 kg in two weeks. The diet has no relation to the famous ballerina.

Recommended частота:раз in 2 months
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

Maya Plisetskaya is an outstanding ballerina and the beautiful woman who and in old age had precise mind and a slim figure. The famous ballerina is not the author of a diet, it was thought up by the journalist of the popular edition and called by the name of the great actress. Afterwards the diet was finished by numerous followers.

Maya Plisetskaya's diet belongs to low-calorie power supply systems. The refusal of many products is the cornerstone. Principles of a diet:

  • The food has to satisfy feeling of hunger, but not overflow a stomach. It is recommended to reduce the volume of portions twice, for example, if you got used to eat at one time 300 g of food, your norm now – 150-200 g;
  • Food has to be fractional, during having a snack fresh fruit or vegetables are used;
  • The food should be cooked by method of cooking, suppression or roasting;
  • In 30 minutes prior to meal it is necessary to drink a glass of pure still water;
  • Moderate exercise stresses have to be regular.

During Maya Plisetskaya's diet of a dish prepare without salt addition.

In two weeks of a diet 8-10 extra kilos leave.

Диета Майи Плисецкой – низкокалорийная диета, помогающая при условии строгого соблюдения жестких требований сбросить 8-10 кг за две недели


The main advantage of a diet of Maya Plisetskaya – its efficiency therefore it will suit those who in two weeks need to get rid of the greatest possible number of kilograms.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The diet of a diet of Maya Plisetskaya does not differ in a variety and is not balanced on a number of the substances necessary for normal life activity. In the menu not enough proteinaceous products, and reception of protein during a diet prevent loss of muscle bulk.

Lack of fermented milk products at limited amount of cellulose is fraught to problems with intestines.

The diet was thought up by the journalist of one of popular editions and called by the name of the great actress, obviously, in the aspiration to make a splash.

This power supply system will not suit sweet teeth: the sharp refusal of usual sweets can lead to a headache and decrease in mood.

Maya Plisetskaya's diet is contraindicated at chronic diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, to teenagers, elderly people and athletes.

What products are resolved?

Treat the resolved products:

  • Brown rice, lentil, barley, oats;
  • Sheet greens and green vegetables (color and Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, salad, spinach);
  • Low-fat grades of white fish (haddock, cod, lemonema);
  • Gas stations for salads and spice: olive oil of a cold extraction (1 tablespoon a day), lemon juice;
  • Fruit and berries, except grapes and bananas.

What products are prohibited?

The prohibited products:

  • Meat;
  • Eggs;
  • Milk and fermented milk products;
  • Solanaceous vegetables – tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants;
  • Sweets, bakery products and macaroni;
  • Sauces, salad gas stations on the basis of mayonnaise;
  • Nuts, sunflower seeds;
  • Chocolate, coffee.

Fried food, salt and sugar is prohibited.


Example of the menu of a diet of Maya Plisetskaya for one day:


The porridge cooked on water without oil addition, apple (1 piece), green tea or fruit juice.

Second breakfast

Vegetable salad, fruit juice.


Lenten soup on grain, boiled fish (100 g), vegetable salad.


Vegetable stew, handful of berries or one fruit, herbal tea.

Useful tips

Council 1: Sharp transition to Maya Plisetskaya's diet from a high-calorific diet can be very heavy and lead to deterioration in health therefore before a diet it is desirable to spend several fasting days.

Council 2: Porridges and soups for improvement of tastes are recommended to be filled with small cut greens – fennel and parsley.

Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.