Diet for a month – the correct diet and a diet expected the month providing clarification and full adaptation of an organism to new type of food. The main advantage of a diet for a month is its term allowing an organism to get used gradually to the new mode.
Diet for a month – the special balanced diet and a diet allowing an organism to be reconstructed completely without stress and dysfunction of a GIT. At observance of a long diet seldom there is a discomfort in a stomach and intestines as the diet does not demand acceptance of radical measures for sharp weight reduction.
The main advantages of a diet for a month:
During a long diet the organism gets used to a new diet that allows to remain after the termination of a diet in shape, without gaining weight.
The main shortcomings of a diet for a month are:
It is much more difficult to keep to long diets. The diet for a month demands high organization, self-discipline and will power. Often happens so that, having begun process of weight loss, the person does not notice dynamics and stops observance of a dietary diet that is the main mistake. The diet for a month is, as a rule, based on the principles other than the principles of the majority of traditional bystry diets: starvation and sharp clarification of an organism. The diet for a month is that decision which many nutritionists and marketing specialists call "to lose weight, without starving". Such diet does not limit meals, and suggests to pass to cardinally excellent principle of food.
The diet for a month does not guarantee considerable loss of weight. Efficiency of a diet, first of all, will depend on the reasons of excess weight. At the choice of a diet how to lose weight in a month, it is necessary to follow the main rules:
At observance of a diet how to lose weight in a month, it is necessary to follow the simplest rules of food:
1 month – sufficient term for disposal of addictions. The correct observance of a diet for 1 month assumes:
The diet for a month has practically no restrictions and contraindications to observance as offers quite sparing mode. People with disturbances of the GITs functions, ulcer diseases, diseases of kidneys, a liver after consultation with the doctor can also keep to such diets.
Before beginning a diet for weight loss for a month, it is necessary to understand that each organism is individual. Diets for a month are formed by the general principle. All diets have exclusively recommendatory character. The basic principles of observance of a diet for weight loss for a month are:
The diet for a month is easier for observance, than bystry rigid diets. The diet for a month which menu is formed on weeks allows an organism to adapt gradually to a new diet, getting rid of addictions and unnecessary having a snack, and also to overcome psychological dependence on food.
The diet for a month which menu is broken on weeks represents:
Any diet becomes more effective in combination with physical exercises and a healthy lifestyle. The "We Grow Thin in a Month" program at which diet provides loss from 7 to 12 kg of weight, assumes also change of a way of life: walks instead of carrying out time at the computer, preference of foot walks to transport, outdoor recreation to a visit to cafe. We grow thin in a month – the diet supported with physical exercises which will help both to record weight and to simulate a beautiful contour of a body, having avoided the drooped skin after considerable loss of weight.
People who got used to have breakfast regularly have obesity much less often.
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