The diet at arthritis is directed to elimination of products which negatively influence joints, and includes the use of a large amount of vitamins and microelements.
Medical researches established that the healthy nutrition at different types of arthritis and an exception of a diet of certain products considerably improves a condition of joints.
During observance of a diet at arthritis balancing food which has to include several groups of key products is necessary:
During a diet at arthritises it is necessary to limit the use of greasy food and flour products, and also to exclude salt and seasonings.
The correct food stuffs have to contain a large amount of calcium, vitamins, magnesium and zinc. The diet at a pseudorheumatism has to include skim milk and fermented milk products, and also a large number of fruit and vegetables.
The balanced diet at arthritises has to be rich with polyunsaturated fatty acids from the Omega group 3 and have antiinflammatory effect. An important component is gamma linolenic acid which contains in blackcurrant, a gimlet and a sundrops. The regular use of these products considerably weakens arthritis symptoms.
The reactive type of arthritis arises after the serious infectious or inflammatory illness causing destruction of bone structures. The diet at reactive arthritis has to include products with a large amount of cellulose and microelements which strengthen an organism after the postponed infection.
The pseudorheumatism and osteoarthritis often arise at the people inclined to excess weight. As a result of a disease loads of joints and the lower part of a backbone amplify. Weight reduction and strengthening of joints requires observance of the correct program of food and physical exercises. The diet at a pseudorheumatism assumes reduction of consumption of sugar and salt, fat products and bakery products, but saturation of an organism fish oil, vitamins of group A and D, zinc, magnesium and calcium.
The correct diet at arthritises assumes the daily use of a large amount of liquid (from 2 to 3 liters). It is necessary to have green tea, kvass, kissel, broth of a dogrose and compotes. Exclude coffee, cocoa, carbonated and alcoholic beverages from a diet.
The diet at reactive arthritis has to consist of products with high medical action, such as lemon, pumpkin, vegetable marrows, broccoli, carrots, onions, garlic and greens. The use of marinated and preserved foods should be limited to a minimum.
The effective diet at psoriasis arthritis demands strict observance of all recommendations. Buckwheat and oat grain, rice, fish, boiled chicken meat, the baked vegetables, a turkey, a rabbit, cottage cheese and low-fat grades of cheese are a part of this diet. It is necessary to limit the use of eggplants, bean and mushrooms.
During observance of a diet at psoriasis arthritis it is necessary to consider that purines which contain in salad, a sorrel, spinach and a garden radish are harmful. Negatively salty fish and an offal affect smoked product joints.
In the period of a diet at a pseudorheumatism it is necessary to limit the use of honey, chocolate, fat and puff pastry. Products with high caloric content have to be used extremely seldom. Ready dishes have to contain the minimum quantity of fats and salt.
From all types of arthritis the gouty type of a disease is the most dependent on a power supply system. The products eaten directly influence formation of gouty cones and adjournment of salts.
During a diet at gouty arthritis it is necessary to use products which are a natural source of vitamins, such as walnuts, a filbert, sunflower seeds, spinach, almonds, soy sauce, cotton oil.
The diet at gouty arthritis demands an exception of a diet of an offal, alcoholic beverages, bean cultures and seafood. The use of red meat and others of products with high content of arachidonic acid is also contraindicated.
At gouty arthritis it is necessary to limit the use of the following products:
At heavy stages of a disease the diet at arthritis has to have regular character. Nutritionists recommend periodically (within 5 days) to carry out clarification of an organism with the use of freshly squeezed juice to which it is possible to add a celery and fennel.
Several times a month it is necessary to spend fasting days which diet fruit, vegetables and almond milk have to enter. The diet at various forms of arthritis assumes not only the balanced food, but also the regular not intensive exercise stresses weakening procedures and massage.
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