Main > Diseases> Benign hyperplasia of a prostate

Benign hyperplasia of a prostate

Benign hyperplasia of a prostate (adenoma) – a disease at which in a prostate the small node (or nodes) whichУзел доброкачественной гиперплазии предстательной железы grow is formed and gradually squeeze an urethra. At the same time the disease is followed by disturbance of an urination. Adenoma of a prostate does not give metastasises therefore is called high-quality in what, actually, and its difference from a prostate cancer consists.

Statistically every second man gets sick with prostate adenoma after 50 years. Therefore adenoma of a prostate is carried to the most widespread urological diseases.

Prostate adenoma reasons

The reliable reasons of a benign hyperplasia are unknown. As the disease meets more often at advanced age, it is considered that adenoma is one of symptoms of a men's climax.

No communication between a benign hyperplasia and sexual preferences, sexual activity, the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking and the postponed diseases of venereal and inflammatory character is revealed.

Symptoms of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate

The main symptom of a disease is frustration of an urination. It is considered that the hyperplasia begins when the urination ceases to give pleasure. It is a signal that it is time for man to address the urologist.

The hyperplasia promotes that the urination becomes less intensive over time and happens more often. The stream of urine becomes weak, and the amount of the urine emitted for once decreases. The patient gets up several times at night to descend in a toilet.

Also symptoms of a hyperplasia of a prostate are so strong desires to an urination that the patient cannot delay them for a minute. Unfortunately, most of men are inclined to carry a similar symptom to aging, and seldom see a doctor.

In process of increase in adenoma it becomes more difficult to urinate. The stream of urine falls almost aweigh, but not on a curve. To carry out a full-fledged urination, the man begins to strain stomach muscles strongly. Sometimes it leads to strong getting tired and the man during an urination it is necessary to be interrupted to take rest.

In the absence of timely treatment of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate patients have complications. So, first of all kidneys are surprised. At patients the renal failure which is shown by dryness in a mouth, thirst, a headache, irritability and weakness develops. The bladder is always filled with urine, but an urination very scanty. The urine incontience phenomena which at first occur only at night, but then and in the afternoon are at the same time observed.

Prostate adenoma complications

In the absence of treatment of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate process comes to an end with full displacement of an urethra that leads to an acute delay of an urination. It is followed by strong and sharp painful feelings in the bottom of a stomach.

It should be noted that the delay of an urination can occur also at the very beginning of a disease owing to overcooling, long not bladder emptying, excessive alcohol intake, improper feeding, etc.

Often at adenoma of a prostate it is possible to observe a hamaturia – blood in urine. Urine supertension in a bladder leads to injury of veins, as becomes the bleeding reason. Stones in a bladder can also turn out to be consequence of adenoma of a prostate as they are formed as a result of stagnation of urine.

Diagnostic methods of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate

The urologist first of all interviews the patient then he probes his prostate through a rectum.

For specification of the diagnosis of the patient surely direct to the next researches:

  • general blood tests and urine;
  • ultrasonography;
  • tsistoskopiya;
  • basin X-ray;
  • urofloumetriya (urine current speed assessment).

In case of an acute delay of an urination to the patient the catheter for providing an exit of urine is immediately put.

Treatment of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate

Механизм образования доброкачественной гиперплазии предстательной железыDepending on a stage and weight of a course of a disease treatment can be medicamentous, not operational or operational.

Drug treatment is capable to help only at initial stages of a disease when an urethra of the patient yet not absolutely передавлен, and urine completely comes out a bladder. Today there is a set of drugs which not only significantly facilitate the disease course, but also promote reduction of volume of a prostate. However it is necessary to take this medicine strictly to destination doctors and after passing of appropriate inspection.

The hyperthermia, bladder catheterization, balloon dilatation and thermal therapy belong to not operational methods of treatment of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate. Catheterization is applied at those patients who owing to various circumstances cannot be operated. Other not operational methods in our countries are still insufficiently studied therefore do not enjoy wide popularity.

Today the most successful and popular method of treatment of adenoma of a prostate is operational. If the disease is not too started, kidneys are not injured, urine completely comes out a bladder, then it is more preferable to execute a transurethral resection of a prostate. Operation consists prostate adenomas through an urethra at a distance. This operational method is the least traumatic.

If the disease is in the started stage, symptoms of a renal failure are observed, adenoma reached the big sizes, and the bladder is constantly crowded, it will be more reasonable to apply a pozadilobkovy or transcystic adenomectomy. These two methods, despite quite high injury, guarantee full treatment of adenoma.

If the patient with adenoma of a prostate wishes to keep sexual activity, then preference is given to a transurethral section of a prostate. This operation allows for several next years of a message healthy and full-fledged life. However, repeated operation in most cases will be required.

Prevention of adenoma of a prostate

Unfortunately, effective methods of prevention of adenoma of a prostate do not exist. It is considered that some phytotherapeutic drugs reduce risk of development of adenoma and raise a potentiality. However these data are not confirmed with any clinical tests.

To you it is not necessary to accept for prevention of adenoma of a prostate at all those medicines which are used for its treatment.

As an alternative prevention it is possible to recommend to all men 50 years annually are more senior to undergo inspection at the urologist.

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