Main > Drugs> Tributary


Трава донник лекарственныйThe tributary medicinal – the grassy biennial belonging to family Bean, to a subfamily Papilionaceous.

Description of a grass tributary

The tributary medicinal in height reaches 1 m. Has the much-branched stalk, small leaves, flowers of yellow color collected in alar brushes. Beans are one-seeded. The plant very fragrant, blossoms on an extent of all summer.

Plant very unpretentious and drought-resistant. In a wild look grows on roadsides of roads, on waste grounds, in ravines and meadows.

Meets in the territory of Asia, Europe, South and North America, New Zealand, in Russia and Ukraine, in Central Asia and the steppe Areas of Caucasus. This plant is often grown up especially for use in the culinary and medical purposes.

Use of the tributary medicinal

The tributary found application in traditional and scientific medicine. The grass the tributary is highly appreciated by landowners as a digestible and qualitative forage for the cattle. Besides, the plant enriches the soil with nitrogen and is fine vegetable fertilizer. And beekeepers consider donnikovy honey one of the most useful and tasty. It has a pleasant vanilla scent.

The tributary and in cookery found the application. From a young plant cook salads and soups. The grass of the tributary is dried and used as seasoning to fish, added at preparation of sauces and marinades.

In the perfumery industry of property of the tributary apply as the fixer of smells. Sometimes the plant is added to smoking mixes for a fragrance. Also the plant is very effective remedy at fight against a moth.

Chemical composition of the tributary medicinal

The fragrant pleasant smell gives to a plant coumarin. In flowers its maximum contents is revealed.

The grass of the tributary contains мелитозид, мелилотин, derivatives of coumaric acid, slime, proteic matters and essential oils.

Medicinal properties of the tributary

The tributary medicinal is very much appreciated thanks to availability of coumarin in it. Coumarin depresses a nervous system and can prevent spasms.

Researches showed that substance coumarin is capable to increase arterial pressure, improves blood circulation of a brain, abdominal organs and a myocardium, increases force of reductions of a cardiac muscle.

In addition to coumarin, the plant contains substances which give to the tributary of property of biogenic stimulators. Experiments with rats on check on survival after introduction of large doses of strychnine were made. It was revealed that water extracts of the tributary medicinal blocked toxic effect of poison and prolonged life to experimental.

Administration of drugs of a grass of the tributary stimulates phagocytal activity of leukocytes and increases their quantity.

Do decoctions and infusions of a plant, it is a part of medicinal collecting. Make a donnikovy plaster which is applied at pyoinflammatory processes of skin of it.

Inside broths and infusions accept as calming and an anticonvulsant, at coronary heart disease. At catarrhal diseases of property of the tributary apply to expectoration of a phlegm.

Outwardly the plant is used at treatment of rheumatism.Мазь на основе донника

In addition, in traditional medicine the plant is used for treatment of meteorisms and locks, for treatment of female diseases and at a climax.

Ointments on the basis of the tributary purulent wounds and furuncles treat.

Donnikovy honey is also very valuable. At mastitis it is put to mammary glands, and at arthroses and arthritises do honey massage.

Contraindications to use of the tributary

The people having the lowered coagulability of blood, a disease of kidneys, a hemorrhagic vasculitis cannot accept a plant. Pregnancy is also a contraindication for reception.

In case of overdose vomiting, nausea, a headache can arise a plant.

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