Main > Diseases> Faringotrakheit


Faringotrakheit is the inflammatory disease of a trachea and throat caused by a staphylococcal or pneumococcal Фаринготрахеит является воспалительным заболеванием трахеи и глоткиbacterium, viruses and fungi.

Reasons and symptoms of a faringotrakheit

Faringotrakheit is a complex disease with existence of inflammatory process in an oral cavity, a drink and a trachea. This disease is a combination of pharyngitis and tracheitis.

Infections, the contaminated air, smoking, cold liquid and existence of certain centers of an inflammation, including painful teeth, otitis and rhinitis are the reasons of a faringotrakheit.

At adult patients often toxic substances and complications after viral diseases are the reasons of a faringotrakheit.

Treat symptoms of a faringotrakheit:

  • pain, irritation and burning in a throat;
  • pain syndrome when swallowing, feeling of a lump in a throat;
  • inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • high temperature of a body from 38 degrees and above;
  • dry and heavy cough.

The expressed symptoms of a faringotrakheit at survey of a throat and throat are reddening of walls, an inflammation of a mucous membrane and increase in almonds.

If faringotrakheit it is combined with other viral diseases, then symptoms are supplemented with rhinitis, bronchitis, intoxication, a muscular pain syndrome, weakness and skin rash.

In otolaryngology distinguish two types of a faringotrakheit – acute and chronic. Acute faringotrakheit is followed by high temperature, attacks of severe dry cough and rattles in a trachea.

Chronic faringotrakheit has weak symptomatology which is shown in the form of squeezing in a thorax, hoarseness and reddening of walls of a throat.

The progressing acute faringotrakheit leads to an inflammation of tissues of throat and trachea, emergence of crusts and flowing off of a throat. The disease can cause serious violations in work of lymphatic system.

Faringotrakheit actively it is shown days in the form of a severe cough with a heavy otkhozhdeniye of a phlegm at night.

Children have an inflammation of a throat and trachea arises against the background of a respiratory disease, causes deaf painful cough and thorax pain. If not to stop progressing of a faringotrakheit, then bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia can develop.

At a faringotrakheita Выраженными симптомами фаринготрахеита при осмотре горла и глотки является покраснение стенокthere is a disturbance of breath and easing of immunity, and frequent fits of coughing can provoke hypostases and spasms of muscles.

Diagnosis of a disease

Faringotrakheit the therapist and the otolaryngologist after survey and carrying out a faringoskopiya diagnose. If necessary appoint additional diagnostic procedures, including a smear to infections and ultrasonography.

Only the professional medical specialist can distinguish this disease from other inflammatory processes in respiratory system (tracheitis, quinsy, pharyngitis, etc.).

Treatment of a faringotrakheit

Treatment of a faringotrakheit is begun with reception of immunomodulatory medicines which are directed to elimination of causes of illness and recovery of a normality of immune system.

For elimination of bacteria and fungal infections in respiratory system appoint antibiotics of the systemic and local effect, and for treatment of a faringotrakheit of virus type appoint effective antiviral drugs.

Toxic type of a disease it is necessary to begin to treat from refusal of smoking and avoiding of a source of harmful toxic effects.

As means of antibacterial therapy appoint inhalations, warming up of a throat, aerosols and broths. Inhalations and warmings up allow to influence directly the centers of an inflammation and to eliminate them.

Treatment of a faringotrakheit in an acute stage consists in reception of expectorant medicines, antihistaminic and antibacterial drugs.

The warming compresses, foot baths, rinsings by officinal herbs and broths with a camomile, a glycyrrhiza and a sage have to be a part of additional therapy.

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