Main > Drugs> Ecoflorae


Ecoflorae – a probiotics of new generation.Пробиотик Экофлор

Description of drug

Ecoflorae represents the black small granules which do not have taste and a smell. Granules in water practical not rastvorima.

Contain in granules:

  • lactobacilli – 108, WHICH;
  • bifidobacteria – 108, WHICH.

Pharmacological action of Ekoflor

According to the instruction Ekoflor is the probiotic of new generation including consortium of active strains live antagonistic lakto-and the bifidobacteria immobilized on an uglerodmineralny enterosorbent of SUMS-1 which protects bacteria at their passing through acid medium of a stomach.

In medicine of SUMS-1 apply to removal of intoxication of an organism. Also with its help bring salts of heavy metals and various toxins out of intestines.

The enterosorbent of SUMS-1 has high bactericidal activity and does not absorb the hormones, enzymes, hydrogen sulfide and transport proteins necessary for a vermicular movement in intestines. Does not bring ions without which maintenance of a hemostasis is impossible out of an organism. Does not influence water-salt balance of an organism and does not cause an intestines atony therefore it is ideal for prolonged use. Besides, Ekoflor according to reviews reduces load of a liver.

While dry drugs when passing through a stomach lose about 90% of activity, Ekoflor significantly increases protection lakto-and bifidobacteria. Thanks to the immobilized form, Ekoflor has also detoksikatsionny effect and brings toxins, pathogenic microbes and products of incomplete metabolism out of an organism.

According to reviews Ekoflor contributes to normalization of work of digestive tract, recovers intestinal microflora, forces out pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, reduces exogenous and endogenous intoxication of an organism in general.

Lakto-and bifidobacteria interfere with reproduction of putrefactive, pathogenic and gas-forming microflora, promote improvement of digestive processes and comprehensibility of vitamins, normalize exchange of microelements, in particular calcium and iron, stabilize exchange and content of biologically active agents. At chronic diseases of internals lakto-and bifidobacteria have an immunopromoting effect and well influence an organism.

Indications to Ekoflor's use

According to the instruction Ekoflor is recommended as a part of complex therapy for correction of disbakterialny disturbances in the following cases:Экофлор в виде черных мелких гранул

  • persistent and acute viral and bacterial intestinal infections;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • parasitic invasions (lambliasis, opisthorchosis and others);
  • chronic pulmonary pathology (pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and others);
  • oncological diseases;
  • medicinal or food allergy;
  • diseases of allergic character (allergodermatoza, bronchial asthma);
  • chronic somatic pathology (hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcer of a 12-perstny gut or stomach, atherosclerosis, coloenteritis, disturbance of lipidic exchange, ischemic heart disease);
  • the abstinence syndrome caused by narcotic or alcoholic influence;
  • radiative effects (including medical manipulations).

Route of administration of Ekoflor and mode of dosing

Ecoflorae accept in ten minutes prior to meal, mixing it with a small amount of water. Mixing of drug in a small portion of kissel instead of water, for the purpose of reception simplification is allowed.

According to indications drug can be appointed irrespective of meals. The recommended duration of therapy makes up to two weeks.

Drug dosages Ekoflor:

  • aged from three up to five years – 3 g on one reception twice a day;
  • aged from five up to ten years – 5 g on one reception twice a day;
  • aged from ten years – 5 g on one reception from two to three times a day.


Drug is contraindicated aged up to three years, and also at individual intolerance. Also administration of drug at the ulcer diseases which are at an aggravation stage is not recommended.

Storage conditions

Ecoflorae store at a cold temperature (from-2 to +4 degrees) not longer than 12 months.

Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.