The epidermal cyst represents spherical education which consists of an epithelium, a hair follicle and epidermis. This cyst is located on a face, a hair part of the head, a neck, a thorax and a scrotum. The epidermal cyst can have both high-quality, and malignant character.
Obstruction of a hair follicle, the increased formation of skin fat and filling of a cavity with horn masses is the main reason for an epidermal cyst.
This cyst has an appearance of a node of the pinkish color with a diameter from 2 to 5 cm covered with network of expanded capillaries. Sometimes a time of an epidermal cyst gains dark color and becomes expanded. In a cyst the dense pasty mass of a yellow shade is located.
If the bacterial infection gets to a cyst, then the inflammatory process which is followed by consolidation of a cyst and severe pain begins.
The epidermal cyst in the increased size can put pressure upon structure of a brain, cause problems with sight, headache attacks, weakness, irritability and disbalance. These symptoms are similar to manifestations of various new growths and tumors of a brain. Some types of an epidermal cyst can lead to meningitis.
The epidermal cyst has several types differing on a structure, clinical implication and existence of complications.
Most often the atheroma which represents the skin cyst which is located on a face, hands, necks and generative organs occurs at patients. The atheroma can carry both single, and multiple character. It represents formation of a round form of tumorous type with a soft consistence. Skin around an atheroma has a yellowish or reddish shade, and surrounding fabrics are painless.
This cyst can remain in one size or gradually increase, rising over the surface of skin. Often epidermal cyst is inclined to suppuration and an inflammation of hypodermic cellulose.
Cystous tumors of epidermal type diagnose by means of a magnetic and resonant tomography or scanning of a brain by means of a computer tomography.
If the epidermal cyst is located in a brain, then conduct researches of area of a hypophysis and acoustical channels to receive detailed details of a condition of a tumor and to choose the correct method of treatment.
In most cases the epidermal cyst is treated by surgical removal. If the cyst is disposed close to important structures of a brain, then its full removal is impossible. The neurosurgeon carries out intermediate removal of a cyst, and within several years conduct regular magnetic and resonant researches for an exception of a recurrence of a disease.
The main treatment of an epidermal cyst of malignant type is the chemotherapy and a course of radiation therapy.
The atheroma of the small size proceeding asymptomatically does not demand surgical intervention. At increase in the sizes of a cyst appoint operation under local anesthesia.
The epidermal cyst which is located over external integuments is deleted within 15-20 minutes. After administration of solution of novocaine or other anesthetic the doctor carries out a section in the center of a cyst and deletes its contents with capture of the capsule, and then scrapes out a cavity and clears integuments.
At a recurrence of an epidermal cyst appoint repeated carrying out surgical intervention.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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