Many people with an excess weight are interested in a question how to go on a diet. As is well-known, process of undertaking is the most difficult. On what to sit down a diet – too a pressing problem for many, wishing to lose weight. Especially if to consider what huge number of diets exists today. The main thing in the course of weight loss – not to make spontaneous decisions. Here it is important to consider and weigh everything carefully.
It is necessary to be prepared for weight loss process thoroughly, and, first of all, it is worth being adjusted morally on it. Here important points are: on what to sit down a diet that is during a diet what complex of physical exercises to carry out, etc.
If you make the decision a minute of rage and despair, then is not excluded that you will break, and all your works will go "up the spout". And you do not want it, correctly?
For anybody not a secret that any diet, and even change of a way of life, is a stress for an organism. Therefore not superfluous will enter a diet and to leave it gradually. So, if you have obesity, then for you, naturally, the best option the menu will keep to diets at obesity. However it is not simply difficult for an unprepared organism, and is almost unreal. Therefore will be not superfluous for few weeks prior to the beginning of a diet to begin to limit gradually the number of calories, reducing them to necessary quantity. It is also necessary to arrive also with restriction of harmful products – gradually.
It is rather difficult question as everything depends on what aim you pursue. For example, if you want to throw off 2-5 kg, then you, undoubtedly, will approach more some easy short diet which in combination with active exercise stresses will quickly yield desirable result.
If your purpose – 20 kg and more, then here you do not resolve an issue on what to sit down a diet, and it is worth thinking of the lifelong menu of a diet at obesity, that is – of healthy nutrition.
So, let's be defined that is during a diet it is possible and it is necessary and what products it is better to avoid.
Separate food is welcomed. Separate food means the separate use of carbohydrates and proteins, vegetables and fruit. So, for example, proteinaceous food (a bird, meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese) needs to be combined only with vegetable dishes. Carbohydrate products (bread, porridges, macaroni, potatoes) can be combined only with vegetables also. And here fruit are recommended to be eaten on an empty stomach or later a couple of hours after the last meal.
Thus, the approximate menu of a diet at obesity will look thus:
Before going on a diet, begin to prepare the organism. For this purpose use fresh vegetables salads. So you not only activate weight loss process, but also revitalize an organism. Addition in salads is welcomed as it is possible bigger amount of greens: fennel, onions, parsley, celery, basil, salad. Fill vegetables with vegetable oil (it is desirable not refined).
If you decided to prepare a vegetable dish, you should not fry, give preference to the vegetables steamed or in the microwave oven. Before each main meal eat a portion of vegetable salad. It will fill your stomach and will allow you not to overeat.
What is during a diet, we were defined. Now we will talk about what products should be excluded from the diet.
Forever forget about various semi-finished products, sausage, sweet, smoked and fried. All these products are the worst enemies not only a beautiful figure, but also the general state of health. Sausage is not meat, and fats, fragrances, soy and spices. In it there can be nothing useful. And whether you know that one glass of Coca-Cola contains 8 tsps of sugar, and fast food is incredibly caloric. Besides, at joint use these products are capable to cause a new wave of hunger.
Tell salty food "no". It complicates work of kidneys and removal of liquid from an organism detains. Yes, at first light-salted dishes to you will seem tasteless, but over time you get used. Flavoring feelings – a matter of habit.
Caffeine in the menu of a diet at obesity needs to be minimized. The caffeine which is contained in green, black teas and coffee promotes release of insulin that significantly influences digestion of glucose. All this leads to increase in level of sugar in blood (that causes afterwards diabetes) and to the constant feeling of hunger leading to a gluttony. Thus, preference should be given to herbal teas, a mat, to chicory. It is possible for coffee, but only on holidays.
Also you should not be fond of alcoholic beverages. They not only tempt appetite, but also strain a liver and a pancreas.
So, how to go on a diet? Yes it is easy! Replace sausage with meat (only you remember what is it is necessary separately from macaroni, bread and potatoes, but only with vegetables), replace sweets and sugar with honey, nuts, dried fruits and fruit, baby fruit purees. You should not starve at all. Eat in the small portions and it is frequent. And remember the main thing, your purpose – not only to lose weight and get a beautiful figure, but also to live for many years, having excellent health!
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