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Cherry caloric content

Dark red or red fruits of cherry – an excellent dietary product. Pulp of fruits contains a set of useful components. In their structure there are organic acids (salicylic, lemon, amber), microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus). There are in these berries enzymes, sugar painting tannic and nitrogenous substances, and also folic acid, anthocyans and vitamins. This tasty and useful berry is used in cookery, in pharmaceutical industry, in cosmetology. Stones of cherry contain essential oil, fat oil and a glycoside dl-mandelonitrile gentiobioside. Thanks to low caloric content, cherry is considered an ideal dietary product for weight reduction. Substances as a part of fruits neutralize fats and interfere with their penetration into a blood plasma through mucous intestines.Калорийность вишни и ее полезные для организма свойства

How many calories in cherry?

The question how many calories in cherry for certain interests those who watch the diet. Caloric content of cherry is only 52 kcal on 100 grams of berries. Thanks to low calorie content, cherry without fear can be included in a diet of people who aim to lose weight.

At the low caloric content cherry – a fine cleaner of an organism from toxins, the decaying products and slags. Also berries clear a digestive tract of various decomposition products. They accelerate digestion process, stimulating development of a gastric juice. Cherry juice oppresses life activity of causative agents of pyogenic infections and dysentery, including streptococci and stafilokokk.

At the small number of calories cherry excellently satisfies thirst. Fruits have antiseptic, expectorant and aperient properties. Leaves, fruit stems, seeds and branches of cherry can be medical raw materials also. For example, broth from fruit stems of cherry and an emulsion from their seeds have pronounced diuretic properties. They are applied at urate diathesis and various diseases of joints. All these useful properties against the background of the low caloric content of cherry speak about its beneficial influence on a human body.

Some doctors use decoctions from these berries in complex treatment of epilepsy and various mental deviations, causing it the low caloric content of cherry and its advantage. A small amount of calories in cherry allows to use it at stomach diseases.

Cherry does not lose the curative and useful properties even after processing. This berry remains same tasty and useful in a dried and freshly frozen look. The cherry pulp wiped with sugar is very useful. Though such way of processing increases cherry caloric content a little.Сколько калорий в вишне и вишневом варенье

Caloric content of vareniki with cherry

For preparation of vareniki with cherry in flour (500 g) it is necessary to pour in 250 ml of cold water and to knead dough. Further it is necessary to shift dough to the board sprinkled with flour and to roll it in thin layer. To cut out small circles from the test. Cherry should be washed out, then to dry and extend from them stones. On the middle of each circle of the test to fill a little sugar (teaspoon), to put three cherries and to pinch edges. To cook vareniki in the boiling water to readiness.

Caloric content of vareniki depends on a set of products from which they prepare of a way of preparation and a stuffing. But if to consider that anyway for preparation of vareniki a significant amount of flour is used, then unambiguously the caloric content of vareniki with cherry will be rather high. And it is accepted to give this dish with sour cream, butter and various sauces. Cottage cheese, cherry and sour cream dumplings are considered as the most caloric (349 kcal in one average portion).

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