Cough at the child – defense reaction of a children's organism in the form of the explosive sharp breath directed to elimination from respiratory tracts of foreign bodys, a phlegm, harmful microorganisms and dust. Tussive receptors can irritate fluctuations of humidity and temperature in the air inhaled by the child, and also papillomas, tumors, allergens, foreign bodys in respiratory tracts. Rare cough at the child for day is physiologic. Tussive pushes delete accumulation of saliva and slime before an entrance to a throat. Children aged from eight up to twelve years normal can cough from three to ten times a day.
Cough is necessary. Without it even the insignificant inflammation of respiratory tracts would lead to pneumonia. But only that type of cough which is followed by mucifying, phlegms clears respiratory tracts. It is so-called wet or productive cough.
Other types of cough (the pristupoobrazny, dry, barking cough) are not useful. They do not allow the child to sleep, tire him and can even cause vomiting.
Unproductive (dry) cough at the child is considered the most persuasive. Dry cough does not promote a phlegm otkhozhdeniye as it arises in an initial stage of an inflammation mucous when there is practically no phlegm yet.
The barking cough at the child usually arises at tracheitis and laryngitis. It is connected with changes of phonatory bands. The barking cough at the child needs to be "softened" with antiinflammatory sprays, pastils and alkaline drink.
Wet cough arises in process of accumulation of a phlegm. Most often wet cough is observed at bronchitis.
At pertussoid cough its attacks follow one by one, tiring an organism out.
Cough of a staccato develops at respiratory clamidiosis at newborns. Staccato cough - ringing, abrupt, dry. It quickly passes at treatment of a basic disease.
Spastic cough is persuasive, a little productive. At the end usually has the whistling sound. At spastic cough it is useless to accept antibechics.
Bitonalny cough (low, and then high-pitch tone) can arise at hit of large foreign bodys in bronchial tubes.
Cough at a deep breath arises at an attack of bronchial asthma. Most often this type of cough is followed by pain.
Cough at meal arises at diseases of a gullet and stomach.
Psychogenic cough at the child can arise at stressful situations at school and a family. Psychogenic cough develops only in the afternoon and disappears at night. The regularity, high frequency and a metal echo belongs to features of this type of cough.
At dry cough at the child it is impossible to get rid of slime which accumulated in bronchial tubes. For fluidifying of a phlegm, calm of a tussive syndrome and suppression of cough various cough syrups are applied to children. Children usually with pleasure accept drugs for cough in the form of syrups as the most part of such syrups has pleasant taste. It is possible to give cough syrup only after consultation with the doctor.
Cough syrups for children with a plantain, with ivy extract – effective antibechic medicines. Cough syrup for Ambrobene's children can be applied to treatment of newborn children. This syrup not only removes an inflammation, but also increases local immunity. For treatment of dry cough pediatricians quite often appoint also syrup Lazolvan. The principle of effect of this syrup is similar to Ambrobene's syrup. Perfectly also Doctor MOM on the basis of extracts of roots of a glycyrrhiza, a basil, extracts of an aloe, ginger, a nightshade and other plants proved cough syrup. Any drugs for cough it is impossible to use a long time as in this case they can strengthen cough only.
Dry cough is very much facilitated by steam inhalations. For inhalation it is possible to prepare solution of baking soda or alkaline mineral waters. Helps at cough massage of reflex zones and a thorax.
At dry cough at the child it is very important to moisten air indoors. For this purpose it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning. It is also possible to put on the battery a pan with the boiling water or to put a wet towel. Air temperature in the room where there is a child, should not exceed 20-22 C. At dry cough the child shall drink much.
At cough it is also useful to feed the child of puree from potatoes with milk and melted butter. The warming compress on area of a thorax will help to remove a fit of coughing.
The child should be shown to the doctor if cough does not pass after disappearance of all other symptoms of a disease if cough sudden and convulsive. Consultation of the pediatrician is necessary if cough prevents the kid to sleep normally if at fits of coughing the child becomes blue or strongly turns pale, and his breath is complicated if in addition to cough at the child fervescence is observed.
Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.
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