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Kimchi is called one of the most popular dishes of Korean cuisine. It represents sharply seasoned fermented vegetables.Кимчи - популярное корейское блюдо

In Korea any meal does not do without kimchi. In the country there is the hugest industry of this product, the museums are created, festivals of kimchi are held and the real cult of this national dish reigns. In the Seoul Museum of kimchi the collection from 187 types of this product is presented. At Chondzhu's university there is the only faculty in the world on training of technology of preparation of this snack.

The exact time of emergence of this acute snack is unknown. The first references of a pickles close to kimchi of our times and come to Korea from China, belong to the thirteenth century. Burning red pepper was for the first time delivered to Korea by Portuguese after the sixteenth century.

Now red pepper is one of the most important components of the majority of types of kimchi. The first mentioning of preparation of kimchi with use of red pepper is found in the cookbook published in 1765. The found recipes of preparation of kimchi practically do not differ from recipes of the present. In the twentieth century began to add the components changing its color and taste that led to creation of a large number of kinds of kimchi to this dish.

Preparation of kimchi

Kimchi most often prepares from a garden radish, the Beijing cabbage, a kohlrabi, and also eggplants, cucumbers and other vegetables. Vegetables season with onions juice, red pepper, ginger and garlic. Some culinary specialists add to a dish pine nuts, chestnuts, sesame seeds, algas, pears and even oysters, salty shrimps and octopuses.

In kitchen to bark-saram the technology of preparation of kimchi considerably departed from traditional. It is connected with high cost or absence in places of their accommodation of necessary products. Therefore kimchi to bark-saram is made of carrots, vegetable marrows, a white cabbage. Altered by kimchi to bark-saram entered a diet of residents of the CIS countries in the form of the Korean salads.

Product grades considerably differ depending on the components used at preparation of kimchi, season and the geographical region. In northern regions usually add less red pepper and salts to this product. Also in production use seafood much less often. In the southern regions, for example in Kyonsando or Chollado, burning pepper, salt and such spices as seu-chot (marinated shrimps), melchkh of couples (marinated anchovies), crush экчот (sauce from anchovies) use in large numbers. Not all grades of kimchi acute. White kimchi prepare from the Beijing cabbage or a radish without addition of burning red pepper. These grades are prepared and given to a table in a special brine. White kimchi it is especially popular in the summer.

Nutrition value of kimchi

Hundred grams of this product contain 88,4 g of water, 2 g of proteins, 0,6 g of fats and 1,3 g of carbohydrates and 1,2 g of cellulose. Kimchi also contains phosphorus (28 mg), calcium (45 mg), and also B1 vitamins (0,03 mg), B2 (0,06 mg), vitamin C (21 mg) and niacin (2,1 mg).

Kimchi treats low-calorie food. Hundred grams of a dish contain only 32 kcal.

Influence of kimchi on health

According to the Health magazine of kimchi – one of the healthiest products in the world. This snack contains a significant amount of lactobacilli. Bacteria of this product interfere with excessive fermentation and keep growth of causative organisms in intestines. Besides, it is considered that kimchi – an effective remedy against a hangover and powerful antioxidant. The dish protects walls of vessels from atherosclerosis, reducing concentration of cholesterol in a blood plasma. Residents of Korea consider that the regular use of this product promotes a gradual rassasyvaniye of fatty deposits.Соус кимчи

According to the Seoul national university, the hens infected with a virus of bird flu recovered after the use of food with the same bacteria that were found also in this product. The staff of the Korean institute of food researches confirmed increase in immunity at hens to a virus of atypical pneumonia as a result of the use of lactic enzymes of kimchi by them.

In South Korea the incidence of a carcinoma of the stomach is rather high that often is explained by a large number of salty and spicy food. The reason is that enzymatic vegetables contain the chemical radicals increasing probability of developing of oncological diseases.

Sauce of kimchi

Now marinade for a fermentation of the Beijing cabbage is used as separate seasoning. This sauce pickle ingredients for fish and meat dishes. Sauce of kimchi gives to any dish saturated aroma and acute taste. The huge number of the active natural components and vitamins strengthening immunity of an organism and normalizing digestion is its part.

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