Jaw cyst – the fabric cavity filled with liquid and covered by an epithelium. Cysts of upper and lower jaws most often arise at a cystous degeneration of the remains of the cut-through or developing tooth. The periblast of a cover of a cyst consists of connecting fabric, and the inside layer is covered by a multilayer flat epithelium. The cyst of a jaw occurs at patients of different age. The cyst of an upper jaw is formed three times more often than a mandible cyst.
Allocate three main types of a cyst of a jaw – to a keratokist (primordialny), follicular and radicular cysts. Keratokista – a mandible cyst with thin fibrous walls. It is formed in that place where the so-called wisdom tooth appears. Keratokista can be both single-chamber, and multichamber. Her cavity usually contains substance a cholesteatoma. After removal the cyst of a mandible can be recovered because of disturbance of maxillary fabrics.
The follicular cyst is formed and develops from an adamantine substance of tooth of those teeth which did not manage to be cut through. The cyst is formed in the locations of upper and lower canines (the second and third premolar tooths). From within the follicular cyst is covered with a flat multilayer epithelium. In a cyst of a jaw the created or not created teeth can be located.
The radicular cyst is the most widespread cyst, it meets in 80% of cases, as a rule, it is formed near a fang. The Okolokornevy cyst develops at long periodontitis. Walls of a radicular cyst fibrous, thin layer. The surface of a cyst is covered with a multilayer epithelium. Its walls consist of lymphocytes and plasmocytes. At a cyst inflammation plasmocytes expand, giperplazirutsya and go in a wall, causing disease inflammatory processes. At considerable growth the cyst can get in Highmore's bosoms, provoking development of chronic antritis.
Different types of cysts usually long time are not shown in any way. Only at rather big sizes the outside wall of a cyst of a jaw can thin a front wall of an upper jaw, roundish painful protrusion can sometimes appear. The jaw cyst symptoms similar to symptoms at osteomyelitis are shown at development of suppurative diseases.
There are two main methods of treatment of a cyst of a jaw – vesicotomy and a cystectomy. A cystectomy – removal of a cyst of a jaw and the subsequent sewing together of a wound. The cystectomy is appointed at the cyst which is an epithelium malformation at the cyst of the small sizes located in zubosoderzhashchy area of a jaw within one-two intact teeth. The cystectomy is appointed at an extensive cyst of a mandible, at a cyst of an upper jaw of the big sizes. The procedure of a cystectomy is carried out if the fang is shipped in a cystous cavity no more than on a third of its length. At deeper immersion teeth cease to perform the function and drop out early enough. The main lack of a method of a cystectomy is that the cut-off microtubules often are exposed to reinfection. Now for filling of bone cavities use biocomposite materials. Biocomposite materials accelerate regeneration, promoting recovery of function and a shape of a jaw.
Vesicotomy – removal of a front wall of a cyst of a jaw and its connection with an oral cavity. Operation leads to reduction and flattening of a cystous cavity. Vesicotomy is usually easily transferred by patients, however postoperative defect remains a long time.
The method of an oronazalny cystectomy and oronazalny tsistomiya is applied to removal of a cyst of a jaw which gets into a genyantrum and pushes aside it at chronic antritis. During operation the genyantrum is connected to a cavity of a cyst and report the formed uniform cavity with the lower nasal course. The Oronazalny cystectomy is applied in the absence of teeth in the field of a cyst or at inclusion of one-two teeth in its area. Oronazalny vesicotomy is applied at patients with the accompanying diseases, and also at a large number of the intact teeth turned into a cystous cavity.
If to carry out vesicotomy and a cystectomy in time, then it is possible to do without opening of a cyst and operation. But most often opening at which suppuration and liquid are removed is required, the cavity of a cyst of a jaw is cleared. Vesicotomy and a cystectomy allow to keep the cysts located in a zone teeth, and also to recover the lost functions.
During a plastic cystectomy there is a full removal of a cystous cover. After removal of a cyst of a jaw the wound is not taken in, and tamponed bactericidal solution.
At extensive cysts sometimes apply both types of surgical treatment of a cyst of a jaw – a cystectomy and vesicotomy. At the first stage carry out decompressive operation – make the message with an oral cavity as vesicotomy, and in one-two years make a cystectomy.
Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.
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