The cyst of a spleen represents pathological education in a spleen with a cavity which is filled with liquid. This disease meets at women more often, than at men and progresses in the age period from 35 to 60 years.
The embryogenesis as a result of which unnatural cavities in body form is the main reason for a cyst of a spleen. Also injuries, unsuccessfully performed operations, inflammatory and infectious processes in an organism can cause a cyst.
Serious damages of a spleen are connected with influence of parasites and medical abscess.
In most cases the spleen cyst at the child and the adult patient proceeds without explicit symptoms. Emergence of the first symptoms of a disease is connected with change of the size of a cyst, its sharp increase and an inflammation.
At many patients the cyst does not influence the general state of health, does not cause attacks and discomfort. In certain cases spleen cyst symptoms at the child are pristupoobrazny spasms and pain in the field of the left hypochondrium, dizziness, temperature increase, nausea and vomiting.
If the cyst reached the considerable sizes, then the patient feels shovel and shoulder pain, it has a feeling of weight and apathy, and also a pricking in a breast, short wind and small cough.
If the cyst reaches 20% of volume of a spleen, then nausea, stomach dysfunction, weakness, a fever and suppuration develops.
It is possible to distinguish from the main complications of a disease:
There are several main types of a cyst of a spleen. It is possible to carry to them:
Adventitious cysts arise in 70% cases of adversely performed operations and cause hemorrhages in spleen tissues.
Parasitic cysts are often caused by a helminth an echinococcus which affects a liver, kidneys, a spleen and a brain. Larvae of a parasite are on hair of animals, in a grass and reservoirs.
Detection of a cyst of a spleen requires performing ultrasonography as main diagnostic method, and also MRT, blood test and urine. To control growth of a cyst it is necessary to conduct planned ultrasonographies.
Regular inspections will help to define the suitable period of surgical treatment.
The most effective method of treatment of a cyst of a spleen is laparoscopic operation.
At a cyst of a spleen of operation have several types:
At a spleen cyst operation of laparoscopic type is the traditional method of treatment allowing to liquidate completely a cause of illness. Removal of a cyst of a spleen is carried out by means of ultraprecise tools and introduction of the special camera. Duration of an operative measure makes 1,5 - 2 hours.
After operation some time remains a pain syndrome, but for a short time rehabilitations the patient is completely recovered.
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