Wedge-shaped defect is a V-shaped defeat of solid tooth fabrics from the outer side most of which often occurs at patients of advanced and middle age. Pathology of this disease meets both in single, and in multiple manifestation, as a rule, on frontal symmetric teeth (canines), or on premolar tooths (a small molar). Wedge-shaped defect on the buccal and lip surfaces of teeth in cervical area is localized, and in a form it is similar to the triangle directed by the top towards a pulp cavity.
It is possible to diagnose wedge-shaped defect in two ways:
Wedge-shaped defect needs to be differentiated not only from caries, but also from a tooth erosion.
Men of science from stomatology still "break a spear" about an actual reason which provokes wedge-shaped defect of teeth. Let's try to consider three main theories of emergence of V – figurative change. Anyway, each of these theories has the right for existence and, the most interesting – each of them can lead to defect development.
Wedge-shaped defect is characterized by brilliant, smooth walls. Through fabrics the pulp which is never opened can be illuminated. At early stages it looks in the form of a crack or a graze which extends and begins to resemble a wedge. A firm bottom, an equal bottom and the polished walls – one of characteristics of this disease. At the same time the tooth neck exposure is observed. Wedge-shaped defect, as a rule, is not followed by pains since process flows rather slowly and deposits of replaceable dentine manage to prevent emergence of painful effect. At the started forms of a disease there is a risk of an otlom of a tooth crown. Patients most often see a doctor because of an esthetic problem which is visible at a smile.
Treatment of wedge-shaped defect at early stages is accompanied by elimination of the injuring factors. The exception of abrasive pastes and powders and rigid brushes is for this purpose made. Experienced dentists, in bigger weight, already decided on the point of view that before beginning treatment of wedge-shaped defect, the integrated analysis of occlusion is necessary. Vrach-gnatolog after detection of the injuring factors will perform optimization of a bite, thereby having eliminated a major factor of developing of a disease.
Ways of treatment of wedge-shaped defect
In the conclusion it is necessary to pay attention that all ways and methods of treatment of wedge-shaped defect which are listed above are applied in each separate case after careful studying of a problem by your stomatologist. Treatment of wedge-shaped defect – rather individual, long-term and labor-intensive process. In this case the understanding from the patient is necessary, and the professional stomatologist will do everything possible to return you joy of an open and light smile.
Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.
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